posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 12:08 PM
First of all i'm not sure if this is in the right place so move it if you must
Anyway, i'm sure all of you are aware of the significance of the number 666, and i understand that theres a lot of numerology connected to this
number connecting it with events such as disasters and assasinations and lots of people thought it was the work of the devil.
But i heard on TV that some time ago archeologists uncovered the original book of [i am not sure which book the number is in, i think revalations]
and that it reveled that the real number of the beast is 626 or 616 i'm not sure which; they reconed that whoever copied the original text mis
translated or thought that the illitaration sounded cool or something
but, if all of these events that surround our history are connected to the number 666, the supposed number of the beast does that mean that it
wasn't the devil, but someone else like maybe a satanist cult. Lots of people think that the illuminati have satanist links and they sound like the
kind of people that like controlling history!