posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by tekheletorah
Our laws are based off of Judaic Christian culture and beliefs, thus our judicial system and even our government hold much in common with both
Do they hold that much in common?
Hmm.. no not really..
Windowless, yes.
second floor? No. My lodge room is on a second floor, but many buildings only have one floor, my building happens to be as tall as a seven story
in a court room all face the judge.
In Masonry all face the center of the room, with benches lining the walls. The Worshipful sits in the East of the room. All lodges are aligned East
to west.
Garb -- IE black robe. Nothing similar .. our Worshipful wears a suit. We all do actually, no robes. -- so many people I know think we wear robes
and wigs. I never honestly understood why. Especially wigs?
One thing that our Judicial branch DID copy from Masonry is the gavel .. that actually started out as Masonic but judges started using it as well.
At one time in our nation, 1 out of 5 men where Masons.
We have a secretary to take minutes, the courts use a scribe to record everything said.
I don't know what else they would have in common to tell you the truth..
We use Judaism as an allegory to get the meaning of our teachings across, Christianity is somewhat used, more so in the York rite of Masonry. Masonry
is a democratic society, and I think it is safe to say Masonry influenced the founding of this nation and the way it was set up a good deal. That
does not mean the US is Masonic, it just means it was touched by the philosophies prevalent in intellectual circles of the day.
I hope that answered some of what you where seeking.