posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 06:05 PM
When a message becomes to loud for the 'powers that be' to tolerate they have a few ways to smear the messenger.
We have all heard the slander campaign, when they attack the messenger, but they have other methods.
Imagine a group has a symbol of a grey volkswagen bug. Or lets say waving a purple shirt in the air. I pick them randomly they have no meaning. But
imagine if a group had them on their lectures or in their rallies. This is what is done to discredit them. A situation that is really bad in the
world is created or just viewed, and a few seemingly not important details are added. Clips of people wearing purple shirts, or conversations about
grey volkswagen bugs are added.
Now when you see the original good group, your mind automatically pattern matches and wham, you are brought to a visceral memory of darkness. That
memory gets emotionally imprinted on the good group sheerly by this connection, not by any logical deduction.
Words are used with the same technique. Imagine a candidate saying, "we all need to work together." Wham! a Osama tape is released with him saying
the same thing. People can not separate the words from the emotion of the person saying them so now the good American politician who says something
very true, "we must all work together" gets the emotions of the evil person imprinted on his slogan or speech. This one was actually done a few
months ago on last release of Osama tape.
People have a hard times separating words spoken from who speaks them. If the Iranian leader says "we should love our friends and treat our children
with respect". The fact he says it does not make it wrong. Do any of you think right now I am supporting an Iranian leader? I am not! This is my
point. His words are correct, the history of him and his actions I disagree with. And his words may even be disingenuous, but they are still
When I hear a speaker, or news clips I try to do these things first hear the words, do I agree with what they say regardless of the source based on my
experiences. Then ask is the person being genuine? Do his words match what I have seen of his actions? Finally I can make a decision to agree or
disagree with the sentiment, without attaching it to a person.
I can fight people moving my emotion from one person to another by symbols and trickery, through thinking and understanding
[edit on 10-11-2007 by Redge777]