posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 10:11 AM
jobs in security will be sought after in the coming years. wealthy people will want their assets protected, and these are not "cops" who will read
you your rights first IMO.
I think alot of service related jobs will be in JEOPARDY within 18 months, others much sooner.
The economy is hollowed out and doesn't produce "squat" we exported financial mortgage "subprime crap" to the world and exported inflation
abroad as well thanks to the oil dollar. Now our Currency is being flushed down the TOILET. and the FIRE economy finance, insurance, and real
estate fuels our consumption, devaluing the dollar cripples the fire economy and along with raising fuel costs will increase the prices of goods for
imports (think walmart goods) especially when china lets it's currency rise.
If the FED. does not raise rates the dollar crisis in the world and oil shock will cause a world wide recession along with wars, and political
upheavel, the effects at home will be bad to potentially that of the great depression. If OPEC switches to Euro's for oil, and other currencys rise
, the cost of imports will be so great in america at the same time unemployment and other costs of living (oil, food) rise that their will be blood in
the streets. PERIOD