posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:56 PM
This needs to stop. I'm so irritated when I keep hearing news reports of "Leading candidate on national polls" in regards to the US Presidency.
The President is not elected by national elections. The President is elected by State votes known as the Electoral College. Why does the news media
keep tracking national popularity polls without regard to this fact?
The United States of America is a republic, not a popular democracy. The popular belief and the reason of the Electoral College is because technology
and transporation/communication at the time the nation was founded would not allow for direct votes. States should be voting for presidents, not
individuals. Individuals of the their particular state votes for how they believe their state should vote, not the direct election of a president.
I believe in this principle. Imagine if we had a world government decided by popular vote. The nation that has the greatest population would supercede
all other nations, making the smaller nations insignificant. Thus, we would most likely be governed by a nation like China with little consideration
of smaller nations like Chile, Cuba, or South America. The model the US has is a beauty in that it rates it's states according the population in
relation to the other states. Higher populated states have a greater say, but not without respect to less populated states.
This is why popular vote does not necessarily dictate who becomes President. If most people live in urban nations, should that really negate the votes
of the rural population?
I had to vent this issue cuz I can not stand media reports on "National Polls" that have no relavence.