The 2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner, former US President Jimmy Carter, is not alone with his recent book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" and LA
Times and Guardian article, "How I See Palestine." A recent Harvard study entitled "The Israel Lobby" by Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen
Walt details the ways of the lobby and its victims. Tellingly, they later joined the victim list. There are similar studies and books exposing the
lobby, like "They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby" by 22-year veteran Congressman Paul Findley whose stand cost
him dearly, and "Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment" by American-Jewish insider, J. J. Goldberg.
Had to debate a bit on what forum this actually belonged in. Mods, if you can think of a better, please move.
While there are a few things in this article I may not entirely agree with, the basic message of the article, I feel, is accurate.
We do indeed seem to have a great number of political "leaders" in this country that are far more concerned about the well being of Israel.
Unfortunately, by constantly throwing US into every one of Israel's battles, these same politicians are putting us, the American people, at risk of
REAL terrorist attacks.
Why is it that these politicians feel such a strong need to defend Israel and make their enemies, our enemies?
Can it really be something so assinine and ridiculous as Zionism? It seems that there truly are a great deal of Christian and Jewish Zionists in this
country who have gained far too much power in the last few decades.
Is it really our job, as a nation, to defend the wellbeing of Israel? Shouldn't our politicians be spending more of their time fixing the problems
within our own borders?
With the value of the dollar crashing (likely by design) and our borders wide open on all sides, shouldn't we be out in the streets protesting for
the our "elected" representatives to worry about the issues at home LONG before worrying about the issues in the Middle East?
Whatever happened to letting someone fight their own battles? Israel certainly doesn't seem to be very afraid of Iran (or any other country in the
region), so why don't we just back off and let them do whatever they would like to do?
I, for one, am SICK AND TIRED of leaders acting on MY behalf in being the police force of the planet. I think it's about damn time that OUR
government starts working FOR US again.
We have all been sold out far too many times by these morons in the government. It's about damn time that we do something about it.
What? Until we can actually learn to ORGANIZE and WORK TOGETHER again, I am not sure.