Tesla in his time constructed a continental lightening weapon. The weapon was able to hit anything from one continent to another with a big power
charge. The superweapon then disapeared. Russians say America killed Tesla and took the weapon. America says the same.
Where is the weapon? On which side are you? Do we have to be aware of America or Russia?
Where is the evidence that Tesla actually built his 'lightning weapon'?
Where is the evidence that, assuming it was built, it actually worked as intended?
Tesla designed, or conceptually described, a lot of things, but not all of them were turned into hardware. Until we've established that a working
version of the 'lightning weapon' existed, discussing its location seems pointless.
From what I read Tesla only tested the weapon once and it had no apparent effect. He only later realized that the massive Tunguska explosion had
occured co-ccurently to his test. After this he may have dismantled the device because he feared the destruction it could cause.
On a side note, the research on the super-weapon may have resulted in the HAARP technology of today which is used by both Americans and Russians.
Russia's HAARP generator was connected to Chernobyl and may no longer be in use.
I personally think that Tesla hid a great many of his invention and documents in places where the various agencies after them wouldn't find them, if
he didn't outright destroy them. I think that while the HAARP technology may have been developed from what could be gleaned from his recovered notes,
his super-weapon has been safely hidden, for now.