A group that wants to ban race or gender preference in state hiring, contracting and university admissions launched a petition drive Monday to get
the initiative on the 2008 ballot.
I think this is a step in the right direction. Im not racist in anyway shape or form. I believe in equality based on merit, effort, and intelligence.
I think allowing students whom are of different race into a college with less merit than a "white" student is and always has been wrong.
Of course the "minorities" are fighting this claiming that "its a step in the wrong direction for racial equality"
Affimitive action is segregation, and infringes on the "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" for people whom even have more value to society
(not based on race, based on intelligence)
As a white male, I am quite frankly sick and tired of being profiled as a "racist" because I am white.
Blacks are allowed "BET" and "Black History Month" (Feb.) and allowed to openly make racial slurs on TV without any repercussion or punishment.
(black comedians use cracker and honkey and redneck etc)
However, any white male using racial slurs is not ok. In fact it ruins careers and well beings for certain individuals
We would never be allowed "White history month"
Our Society has made it ok.
The end to affirmitive action is one step closer to desegregation in my opinion.
Making people responsible for their own future based on hard work, dedication, and morals is a step in the right direction for everyone.
If I was a black parent, and knew my child was being passed based on skin color would make me furious.
Any kind of "movement" is wrong
Feminist, miniorities all of them. Because all they want is the good and never the bad that comes with equality.
We need to stop seperating ourselves and be responsible for our own actions based on our own character and not our skin tone. Affirmitive action is an
excuse for people of color to be lazy and of less value. Doesnt anyone take pride in their accomplishments? Wouldnt you like to know you got through
the education system based on your merit?
A lot of things need to change. People in general...I know...trust me.
But people of color need to realize that white blood has been spilled in the name of equality, the same as black, hispanic, and asian.
I dont see skin tone, I just see people