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Misconception of the NAU

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posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 10:40 AM
As you probably already heard, the NAU will expel the borders of Mexico, U.S., and Canada and combine the three countries into one. This is a lie! This is just mere propaganda from the bush haters.

It is impossible that we would be pushed into combining our governments into one. Every representative of this country would vote against it. It would cause economic disasters. It would question us what would be the dominant language. Plus, people like having the constitution and would do everything they can to stop an abolishment of it.

Also, take a look at the EU. You got all countries with borders, with their own governments governing their own people. It is just a fact that they work together in a group like any other groups such as NATO, SCO, UN, etc.

So to say that the NAU will be one body of government, is over-exaggerating propaganda. Nobody, not even the administration, would want this to happen. By looking at already organized unions, people haven't realized that borders still exist between those countries in the union.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 10:51 AM
The border between here and Mexico has been go a long time.If there is a border maybe we should remind every one were it is.Illegal immigrants already think it's almost to Canada.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by deadcatsrule

The border of Mexico/U.S. has always been there. The immigration of illegals and the government's inaction to stop them, unfortunately, arise as problems in our territory and not Mexico's. In addition, Mexico does not govern us or we do not govern Mexico. The border still exists, but criminals are crossing the border illegally. It is as simple as that.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 10:19 PM
Well, what do you make of "north american superhighway" rumors? Type it into your favorite search engine.

North American Superhighway

Next verse, same as the first

What about plans to let Mexican truck drivers cross the border in America? Sounds real to me.

Mexican truckers in U.S.

This is just the beginning. Trust me.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 10:53 PM
How about the Amero?

When countries share a currency, doesn't that sort of destroy borders?
At least economic/exchange borders.

The NAU and the AMERO is coming as sure as as the European Union and the EURO.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 11:15 PM
Sorry to inform you Dan, our borders were signed away in 2005. We have been in the NAU for 2 years now. Notice how the dollar is nearly dead? Give it another year or 2. Did you know that 20% of Mexico's population lives illegally in the U.S.? And they don't speak any English.

Sorry man it already happened, and most or our representatives don't even have a clue. Some speak out about it. And yes it's Bush's fault.

I voted for Bush, because I couldn't fathom that he would flush the Constitution down the toilet, and sell our countries inferstructure to foreign corporations, but he did.

[edit on 7-11-2007 by downtown436]

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by downtown436

Sorry to inform you Dan, our borders were signed away in 2005. We have been in the NAU for 2 years now. Notice how the dollar is nearly dead? Give it another year or 2. Did you know that 20% of Mexico's population lives illegally in the U.S.? And they don't speak any English.

Do you have any sources from that claim? I have noticed that the current value of the dollar is low, but what does that have to do with eliminating borders? Wow 20%, that means there are 21,240,580 illegal immigrants in this country, if that was true. Also, that would mean 7% of our population are illegals from Mexico, which would be hard to believe without any evidence.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by whaaa

How about the Amero?

Since when did we switch to Ameros? Anyways, what is so bad about having one currency?

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by jtb2008

The North American Superhighway says what it is: a highway that will enable trucks and trains to pass through the North American continent, boosting trade by 320%, according to the first page on Google.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 03:37 PM

As much as I detest the eagleforum on most things; they are spot on about the NAU.

I really can't see how you can defend it.

The NAU will just make it easier for the corpratacracy to ship what little manufacturing is left in America to Mexico.

We used to make steel in America, now we make happy meals.

[edit on 9-11-2007 by whaaa]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:41 PM
Economic union supersedes independent government.

I think we all know that money is the real controlling factor in this modern Western civilization of ours, and who controls the money?

Not governments, not the people.
Private Interests.
Big Business.
Corrupt and unaccountable Corporations.

The NAU would make everything else a moot point.
Forget elections, if they try to push this through I (and most of the folks I know) will take to the streets.

While violence is something that should always be relegated to a last resort, if they take all the other options away... well, it's gonna get messy.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Dan5647
This is the first I've heard of having one government for all three countries. As you pointed out with the EU, they are all separate countries with the European commission acting as moderator so to speak.

The NAU is to be quite similar to the EU, but having learned from some of the EU's mistakes, there will be differences as well. Here is a link to a very good article.LINK

This trilateral approach should be institutionalized in a new North American Advisory Council. Unlike the sprawling and intrusive European Commission, the Commission or Council should be lean, independent, and advisory, composed of 15 distinguished individuals, 5 from each nation.
I quote this portion because I believe it sums up how an NAU commission might look.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 03:04 PM
If the NAU is bunk- then would someone please explain to me why Vincent Fox, President of Mexico, told Larry King that we are planning on an Amero currency in the future?

Check out the video for yourself- then try to debunk it:

btw, tmbandt- excellent link- thanks!

[edit on 13-11-2007 by dk3000]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:43 AM
IMO the NAU wont happen. Yes we have way too many illegals across our borders. Yes I believe we should send them back. I dont have much else to say about it.

As for the Amero. Snopes has some info on it. Sure you can tell me I am wrong. Until it happens though, I will live in "my world"

-The Eagle

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 01:07 PM
Wings, have you seen this?

As a Tejano, I'd be interested in your take on this.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 05:19 AM
Ask Jerome Corsi this question heh.....Myself I whole heartedly believe they are going to do it......

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 10:10 AM
sorry it took so long, whaaa. been busy. IMO the "trans-texas" is going to make a bigger problem for securing borders and (I will stick my neck out to be shot on this) open a bigger problem with both illegal immigration and the possibilty of terrorists coming across the southern border. (Yes, I believe that is happening.)

At the same time, the Trans texas may open a better economical situation. While I dont believe in the NAU, I will say that we dont have to be a country just to trade and work together economically (root of all evil, money is) and, with that said, the highway may work out okay. BUT there will be many problems with it. From an immigration standpoint, there will be more trafficking across the border that way that may not be picked up on. Then again, it might work out for the better. I doubt it, but hey... who would have believed centuries ago that skyscrapers were a good idea? (Just a joke... kinda a perspective... I have no real idea when the thought came about!) You know... offices and offices where you never see your own coworker?

I can see many ecological groups protesting it... then getting hit by the truck... to the amusement of others

-The Eagle

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Dan5647
In addition, Mexico does not govern us or we do not govern Mexico. The border still exists, but criminals are crossing the border illegally. It is as simple as that.

This is not entirely true. The US takes great steps to influence the laws of Mexico, Canada and other countries.

Originally posted by Dan5647
Anyways, what is so bad about having one currency?

There are MANY important points to be made regarding currency but I'm going to pick just a few.

If Americans vote to change their currency that's fine. If a new Can/Amer/Mex currency is forced upon us by thieves in the night that is not. That is what is happening with the NAU. NO ONE has asked Americans what they want, what they think and how they feel because they know we would never go for it.

All three countries in question have a currency already and I see no reason to replace these three world wide accepted currencies with another new currency. To collect and destroy all the old money will cost millions of dollars.

If they want the NAU they should let us vote on it

After all this country belongs to the PEOPLE - not the few power elite.

The president and many other officials are sworn to uphold the US Constitution. Please tell me how they are doing that by trying to destroy our currency and erode our borders (all in secret).

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 01:08 AM
Dan5640 Amigo,here is a list of the people who attended the most resent "Private" meeting of the NAU. Notice it includes the former director of the CIA. I also have a link to their agenda with specific topics. I am unable to load the link but it is from FOIA page you can download every sorted detail. It aint a pretty picture and it is very,very real.

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