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When will the alien existance be made public?

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posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 01:43 AM
I just wondered what the general opinion is regarding this... How soon do you all think it will be before it is made public. Who will decide to make it public - The aliens or the Government?
Will there perhaps be a 'discovery' on Mars and this will become the foundation of revealing the truth?

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 05:41 AM
Theres a prediction that the author is almost certain of he claims an alien annoucement in France the prediction is in some detail. Its in the prediction section.

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 12:09 PM
Very Instresting question... I have wondered the same thing.

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 12:13 PM
IMO, when we are powerless to do anything about it no matter what the outcome is.

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by AgentSmith
Who will decide to make it public - The aliens or the Government?

Control=Power. The government will never let that sort of info out unless they are going to benifit heavily from it.

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by AgentSmith
I just wondered what the general opinion is regarding this... How soon do you all think it will be before it is made public. Who will decide to make it public - The aliens or the Government?
Will there perhaps be a 'discovery' on Mars and this will become the foundation of revealing the truth?

I think it will be made as soon as the world powers officially ratify some sort of New World Agenda goverment-central authority. Under this NWO authority, it will be much easier because any large scale ripples from the announcement of ET presence will be much easier to control. Humanity is not currently ready to face the fact of ET presence and government's denial of it.

The government will make the knowledge known publicly about ET presence.

Any discovery on Mars in terms of intelligent life or thier artifacts will most likely not hit the public awareness.

We will, in very near future, know about the government's knowledge of ET presence after they make it public.
I'd say any time before, hopefully, 2012.

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Mikomi
Theres a prediction that the author is almost certain of he claims an alien annoucement in France the prediction is in some detail. Its in the prediction section.

that was in the thread asking about the significance of the year 2012, and someone said that is when the Mayan or Aztech calendars end and that is supposedly the day aliens reveal themselves, etc.

I really think aliens could reveal themselves anytime because think about this. We recovered bodies from Roswell, and an incident before Roswell. Two times we've been able to capture craft and bodies, this led to the creation of the Special Operations Manual 1-01 and the Majestic 12 Documents.

Think about this, if WE had the ability to travel to distance galaxies and visit other planets and WE lost several craft and humans on that planet, what would WE do? Assuming these beings are far more intelligent than we are which is and should be given, do you think they would just let us get away with it or confront us in some way, not hostile, but a way to get our attention in hopes for communication.

Maybe that is the purpose of their abductions, to learn more about us and to gather information to use when their time comes to attempt communication with us.

But besides that, I think a president with a good head on his shoulders would want to release the information but OOPS we forgot about the CIA, they would never let that happen - look what happened to Kennedy.

He tried to abolish the CIA right before his death, not to mention the CIA director hated him. Kennedy was a good man, a good president. Hence his death.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 06:18 AM
If the aliens are aware of the situation on the planet and they allow the government to conceal their presence from us, does that mean that prehaps they are not friendly? I have always found this confusing, but thinking about it they may just have a 'no interference' policy with other cultures.... Thinking about it I suppose the more advanced they are, the more likely this would be the case..... By forcing a situation, even if it is for the 'better', it is only creating a false situation that would inevitably fail I imagine.
Perhaps rather than looking and hoping for an outside influence to save us, like a lot of people seem to - I must admit I sometimes hope for it to happen - we just have to 'get off our arses!!'

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 04:32 PM
I think you asked a very good question and I guess you could say only time will tell.
1) Our government could make an announcement soon due to the fact Daddy Bush and the Rockefeller's want to keep Baby Bush in office so the NWO can come to full power. With what they have done with the Patriot Act they are just waiting or maybe even creating something very bad so they can order total Marshall Law.
2) The Grey's I know won't reveal themselves until Earth is about to be destroyed and when they do show themselves in mass it will be brilliant balls of white light one flying right behind the other very close and low to the ground you will feel the ground vibrate and feel the magnetism in the Earth this will be to show all people of Earth they are here and we better stop.
As I said when it is time you will know and whatever is to be will be.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 05:50 PM
What I would love was if we were in the Aliens position visiting other planets ourselves meeting new aliens and exchanging knowledge and technology I think that would be great.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 05:54 PM
I don't think any human governments will ever disclose the existence of E.T. on their own. If one does (like France) the other governments will quickly try to discredit their claims.

Frankly, I think it's up to the aliens themselves to initiate disclosure. But who knows if that's what they really want?

[Edited on 1/31/2004 by Flinx]


posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 10:44 PM
Weeeellllll I'm not waiting for any Government to admit squat. I KNOW and BELIEVE with all my heart.

But why are they not making it known? That's an area I have been thinking alot about.

'Couple of things come to mind when I think about this . . .

a. The Gov., especially the US are working hand in hand with 'some' of them.
b. There is a much bigger picture/plan that is in the works for mankind and this planet.
c. Telling the truth before it is nessecary to them would hurt their credibilty even worse than their credibility already is, which personally I don't think the US Gov's credibility could get any worse. And I believe people are desensitized and don't really care, they have their own lil existence to worry about.
d. Again, I think there is an agenda that has been in the works for waaaaaaaaaay longer than any of us have been on this planet.

Now, why are they here and what are they up to?

I have a theory.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 11:46 PM
Me, I have a theory also. The agenda is to change the air of Earth and interbreed via many generations and create a NEW breed of humanoids.

I finally found a website that gives some good details as to how a certain faction of ETs seeks to remove vast amounts of oxygen and increase carbon dioxide levels.

I'm curious to read your theory though.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 11:47 PM
I believe it's in chapter 3.


posted on Feb, 3 2004 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by PuPP
Me, I have a theory also. The agenda is to change the air of Earth and interbreed via many generations and create a NEW breed of humanoids.

I finally found a website that gives some good details as to how a certain faction of ETs seeks to remove vast amounts of oxygen and increase carbon dioxide levels.

I'm curious to read your theory though.

Man, I tell you. I posted my theory and it was up a couple of days ago . . . Hmmm, weird. . . O'well I will try to post what I posted.

The interbreeding of humans already happened, and may still be happening. Gen. 6:1-6 Notice how it says the nephilim were in the Earth before and after the flood.

I'll be back to post my theory. Must have coffee~~~

posted on Feb, 3 2004 @ 11:08 AM
Sorry but I said it first here, do a search.

Aliens desire a new human race and they are pushing the interbreeding amongst existing races too to produce improved stock.'

Alien existance will be revealed when the aliens desire it or even if enough people demand it.

posted on Feb, 3 2004 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
Sorry but I said it first here, do a search.

Aliens desire a new human race and they are pushing the interbreeding amongst existing races too to produce improved stock.'

Alien existance will be revealed when the aliens desire it or even if enough people demand it.

Why does this all have to be about aliens? What about our own government? Have you ever thought that they're the threat and not the aliens? I see it everyday in our society about how the government takes advantage of us.

posted on Feb, 3 2004 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by AgentSmith
does that mean that prehaps they are not friendly? I have always found this confusing, but thinking about it they may just have a 'no interference' policy with other cultures....
Most aliens are probably neutral in terms of emotional development. They probably only see humans as biological entities, physical specimens that can be examined.

I don't think that aliens have a "no interference" policy because they interfere by flying in Earth's airspace, and through their supposed abductions of people.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 08:52 AM
As I was told by the one I go to;
We are not here to take over the Earth there is to much oxygen in your air where we are the air is thin so yes we must be very careful we are cutting down all our forest especially the rain forest we are doing ourselves in by killing our oxygen supple bad for us good for them wouldn't you say but mother nature has provided for us we can heal her and God knows I have tried to warn people we must plant in mass. In the spring go out in your garden dig up a plant seperate the roots into several sections and replant them. Plant trees bushes you name it we must take it upon ourselves as we the people the government isn't going to do it. Everytime you plant something it's another breath of air how long do you want to breathe.
As he said use logic and common sense the answers are the simplest the ones you always overlook.
Think of your family struggling to breathe is that what you want to see I sure don't so please plant, plant, plant.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:25 PM
I could care less if there are ETs among us, if they are here the only thing I would want from them is a joy ride on their ET crafts.

Something to think about, why does NASA spend billions on relativly primitive methods of putting stuff into space? If they were ET technology here that was way better than what we got why not save the money and use their ships?

If they are here then they are doing a hell of a job covering their steps. Has anyone everseen film of a legit ET? I've some good hoaxes but never seen anything legititment proof.

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