posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:08 PM
I'd like to offer some constructive criticism on this theory.
Although this is an interesting thought, no doubt, I would have to comment that it doesn't really hold.
We can safely assume, that as long as human beings have been around, evil has been present in their hearts. Therefore, back when our soul-to-body
ratio was rich and plentiful, there would be no evil people. -- unlikely.
And if you can't buy that, try this one on. You say this theory explains why there are so many evil people across the globe now - this implies that
we've exceeded our soul-to-body ratio *already*.
That means, according to your theory, that everyone born today - past that capacity - is now inherently evil. Even go back ten, twenty maybe even a
hundred years when we ran out of souls.
I don't know the exact math, but the % of "evil people" to "good people" has a definite proportion with, of course, a mean deviation. Your model
would show an amazing sharp mesa-like spike in evilness and an inverse drop on good folk.
Since we can't quantify evil or good people (solely on their actions, nonetheless) we'll never find out, but I would tend to believe after living
with my folks for 18 years that they were, in fact, "good people", and born well past the meridian.
Hey, you asked
[edit on 6-11-2007 by guavas]