posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 10:18 AM
This is just another reason I feel religions can never work. When you read the article in full you will see that even though they try to tolerate each
other, most religions believe their religion is the right one.
Some religions are passive aggressive and others are just plain corrupt/aggressive.
There is good in religion and what it tries to teach, but there are to many individuals in this world that use religion for their own twisted agendas.
Pope Meets Saudi King for the first time ever
Under the authoritarian rule of the royal family, the kingdom enforces strict Sharia, or Islamic law. It follows a severe interpretation of
Islam known as Wahhabism which rejects the possibility of diplomatic relations with a Christian entity. This interpretation would prohibit a Vatican
embassy in Saudi Arabia on the grounds it would be equivalent to raising the cross inside the site of Islam's holiest places.
It is forbidden to practice Christianity publicly inside Saudi Arabia, and it is illegal to bring symbols from religions other than Islam into the
country. Bibles and crosses, for instance, are confiscated at the border.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.