Yes that is my opinion of her !!
I have on occasion had opportunity to listen to her show, and today was the last time.
I can even tell you who she will vote for...Edwards.
Probubly paid for by Edwards too.
No, I am not discussing who is the better candidate...
But I am discussing
HER methods of media bias and dis-information.
How did I come to this conclusion?
Her website and radio show push the fact that she is
"always on the lookout for evidence of media bias, political hypocricy, or Hollywood
Today the 20 minutes I could stand to listen to was solely based on the election.
...continuous ranting about Kerry and the media scrutiny of his possible use of Botox in his forehead.
I must have heard a hundred times how this 'plastic' surgery is 'plastic' and the 'plastic' this and that.
Is Botox 'plastic'? .. I think not.
How Kerry is denying this and how it demonstrates his inability to tell the truth....a bad thing for a president....why would he lie...(plays back
recording of kerry mearly stating his position etc)....who would want a president who has plastic surgery and lies about it, cannot admit...etc get the idea.
Now why would she take this position, where integrity, experience, intelligence, or platform, are not near as important as whether or not he had a
botox injection.
Who cares Laura !! Get a real issue and rant about it.
I think she actually demonstrated her inability to live up to her credo that she professes. .. . but her attempts to dis-inform the public with her
lame opinions (unless it was a paid dis-info-mercial!).
Maybe she is for Edwards,...and as the primary goes to the south, she demonstrated to me that Edwards is in trouble there, and she is more than
willing to use media bias and dis-information to assist him beat Kerry at all costs..
Including the trashing of any integrity she may have had.
Laura, if you are reading this...yes this means that these comments will be attacked, as well as my ignorance apparent,...will be attacked with
more dis-information tomorrow on your show...doesnt matter, you were not convincing to the intelligent community, but maybe you did convince some that
this issue is very important in determining a proper candidate.
[Edited on 29-1-2004 by smirkley]