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What is the truth?

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posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 04:24 PM
What is the truth? When will we know the truth? Well, regardless of what the truth is we can all agree that something fishy is going on within the U.S. government and is destroying the lives of everyone not only in this country but around the world. You can see it when you recieve your paycheck or when you turn on your tv.

Are UFO and aliens real? Maybe. Maybe not.

Have we been visited? Maybe. Maybe not.

Are we being taxed fairly? You never know.

Do we know what the truth is? More than likely no.

Throughout the years we have seen the government deny aligations about important issues and then lie about them. Take the Roswell incident for example. After what the government has told us and the witnesses who were there when it happened told us, the contradicting stories just don't add up.

Do we really know why a large portion of our taxes goes towards waste and programs the public never knows about? Of course not. Has the government ever came forward with this knowledge we have accumulated? I haven't heard anything yet. Can we do anything about it? I've tried writing to my congressman about these issues but have never gotten a response.

IMO opinion we will only know the truth about what's going on behind closed doors when we'll be powerless to do anything about it. And that may be the sad truth in the end.

Your thoughts and opinions?

[Edited on 29-1-2004 by mrmulder]

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 05:28 PM
You can't handle the truth!

seriously, I have no idea what is the truth or what is not.
#t!! I might not even be real, this could all be a big illusion. who knows??

But we must keep looking for the truth and never believe anyone who claims to know truth because it could be lie.

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
You can't handle the truth!

seriously, I have no idea what is the truth or what is not.
#t!! I might not even be real, this could all be a big illusion. who knows??

But we must keep looking for the truth and never believe anyone who claims to know truth because it could be lie.

Exactly! You could very well be right!

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 12:21 PM
The truth of the world is much more scary then then its re-written history.

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 11:18 PM
It seems odd that after I found a "martian factory complex "in the rovers pics that someone from
somewhere decided to delete this. this should be
the biggest story of the times, but nobody cares.
My thread concerning that finding was deleted totally
by someone, maybe from ATS, or from outsiders??

I guess the truth is too dangerous for people to

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 11:26 PM
"martian factory complex "

What, where, who!!!!!!!

Wow, deleted that. Seems that even ATS is hiding some "truths"


posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 11:31 PM
why don't you just post it again Etfriend???

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 11:33 PM
I must have overlooked your post, ETFriend. I haven't read of such a thing.

Truth? The truth has a flaw; it can be buried.

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 11:41 PM
I like my sig....the three stages of truth.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Bangin
I must have overlooked your post, ETFriend. I haven't read of such a thing.

Truth? The truth has a flaw; it can be buried.

Also, it can be interpreted/presented many ways by many people with differing agendas.


posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 01:29 AM
The truth is right there>>>. I mean over there

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by mrmulder
What is the truth? When will we know the truth? Well, regardless of what the truth is we can all agree that something fishy is going on within the U.S. government and is destroying the lives of everyone not only in this country but around the world. You can see it when you recieve your paycheck or when you turn on your tv.

Are UFO and aliens real? Maybe. Maybe not.

Have we been visited? Maybe. Maybe not.

Are we being taxed fairly? You never know.

Do we know what the truth is? More than likely no.

Throughout the years we have seen the government deny aligations about important issues and then lie about them. Take the Roswell incident for example. After what the government has told us and the witnesses who were there when it happened told us, the contradicting stories just don't add up.

Do we really know why a large portion of our taxes goes towards waste and programs the public never knows about? Of course not. Has the government ever came forward with this knowledge we have accumulated? I haven't heard anything yet. Can we do anything about it? I've tried writing to my congressman about these issues but have never gotten a response.

IMO opinion we will only know the truth about what's going on behind closed doors when we'll be powerless to do anything about it. And that may be the sad truth in the end.

Your thoughts and opinions?

[Edited on 29-1-2004 by mrmulder]

The truth? Well it's a really funny thing actually...

The more knowledge (truth) you receive, the more you realise there is yet to know. So as you learn more, the unknown also grows exponentially. It just keeps going on and on...

Ever notice that those who know the least THINK they know everything? And that those who are really wise understand that they indeed know NOTHING? Funny isn't it? I think it is

It's like a little dog that spins around and growls and thinks it's a lion. As opposed to a big tough dog that just lays there without tryin to hurt a fly.

Also, "truth" in general implies knowledge, because false information is hollow, and therefore isn't really knowledge. However, there are people who know truths that you do not, and you know some that others do not. Therefore, the overall collective truth can be discovered by all a lot easier if it is shared, and if people network amongst each other.

Are UFO and aliens real? As far as the reality of physicality is, they are.

Have we been visited? Not correct concept. We ARE the visitors. See how perception can skew your questions and then skew the answers you are given? So who is visiting who?

Are we being taxed fairly? Depends on who you ask

Do we know what the truth is? Depends on what aspect of the truth you are referring to.


Were my answers the truth? That's for you to discover

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 01:42 AM

what you think you know...more than likely is a lie

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 01:43 AM
So have we the other visitors been visted by other vistors?

Well I don't know about truth, experience seems better for whatever you may want to find. But there is a reality here, I think, we may only see or experience one aspect and not notice the rest. so lets just be happy

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by Requiem
So have we the other visitors been visted by other vistors?

Well I don't know about truth, experience seems better for whatever you may want to find. But there is a reality here, I think, we may only see or experience one aspect and not notice the rest. so lets just be happy

I agree with the bolded statement. However, happiness is subjective. It's not the point. Happiness is just a reaction, or a judgement towards a certain experience. Therefore, it doesn't really matter in the overall scheme of things. It's the lessons you retain, that matter.. the stuff you know! Not necessarily how happy the stuff makes you
That's your personal judgement...

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 02:00 AM
Those who know the truth have gone to great lengths to keep it from us. It will be forced out by an event. One day it will present itself and the goverment will just shrug and say "yeah, you got us. Roswell, the whole deal, you guys were right!"

I just hope I know in my lifetime.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by lilblam

Originally posted by Requiem
So have we the other visitors been visted by other vistors?

Well I don't know about truth, experience seems better for whatever you may want to find. But there is a reality here, I think, we may only see or experience one aspect and not notice the rest. so lets just be happy

I agree with the bolded statement. However, happiness is subjective. It's not the point. Happiness is just a reaction, or a judgement towards a certain experience. Therefore, it doesn't really matter in the overall scheme of things. It's the lessons you retain, that matter.. the stuff you know! Not necessarily how happy the stuff makes you
That's your personal judgement...

hahah I know, I know. But stuff makes me very happy. I think Einstein said something about how the goal is not to be happy...but something else..i forgot...i guess I didn't retain that lesson. I think it was something about searching, or mystery. hmm

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 02:50 PM
Well, just remember. You have to do your own research and come up with your own conclusion on what you believe to be the truth.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 02:56 PM
An interesting thing about 'the truth, is every time I learn the truth on something, ten more questions come to mind that I cannot answer.


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