posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 04:33 AM
Hello all, this is my first post here. Long time reader so I thought I would post my problems.
So this has only occured to me and made sence in the past few days.
First I will start with the sabotage, ever since I was 4 or even younger I have allways been facinated with aviation. Ever since then I wanted to be a
pilot (I once decided I would rather fix aircraft) So I did my abosolute best at school in order to achieve my goal. In primery school grade 1-7 I was
pretty much top of my class at every thing except for sport (not interested/no comment
) but after that I slowly started "dropping" down my
standards without noticing it, as if some one/something was sabotaging me. So here I am at the end of yr11 with no hope in hell and no longer any
interest in achieving my goal of becoming a pilot. I have now chosen graphic design as I have also allways been good at art, kind of a talent that I
have ignored over the years.
So here is where the weird dreams come in, in the last few years (3-4) I have been dreaming of aircraft crashing. Either infront of me or in the
distance. The most disturbing one was me sitting at home watching TV and and I hear the loudest thud/crash I have ever herd, so I rush outside and too
my shocked horror up on a hill 100m away from my front lawn I see the partial wreckage of a Concorde, I meen can you imagine seeing that? it was so
realistic and disturbing that I won't even list the gruesome details.
Another disturbing dream that I recal as if it happend this morning was my mother and I walking on a foot path home when all of a sudden a small biz
jet (citation/learjet) screams past at like 100ft and dissapears into a large ball of flames, so I quickly ran too where I saw the flames and nothing
is there! my mum arrives too and has a look, nothing to be seen just ordinery houses. As if it was a hologram or something.
I can remember a whole heap of them but I guess you get the idea... anyway about the abduction, I faintly remember being in a very strange place that
was very clean and I guess it looked nice, but being maybe 3 or 4 I didn't question being there. I have asked my parents about it and they keep
trying to change the subject and say that "maybe it was a dream..."
So I would like some opinions about my strange dreams, because the way I see it now is that I have been sabotaged from becoming a pilot? becuase
something like what happens in my dreams would happen?