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Starting to see the effects of global warming

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posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:39 AM
Global warming is a natural cycle, nothing man made here.
It's a FACT that every 14,000 years we see an ice age, and guess what???
We are heading for one now.
Global warming is just a myth so the worlds elite can gain as much power as they can.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 06:01 AM
Yeah well i read in the newspaper today in austrlai that the oceans surrounding us, ... actually i think like the atlantic ocean is like 1.5 degrees celsius colder than the last few years. and hence why austrlaia has receieved less rainfall...

Though Victoria in australia has been getting a lot of rain the last few days such to cause major floodings, etc.

actualy we've been getting a fair bit of rain in brisbane the last couple weeks, but really none where we need it most, the dam catchments.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by DaRAGE]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:12 AM
Yeah Victoria got a much needed down pouring. Unfortunately here in Melbourne we didn't get a heck of alot - still better than nothing.

I too am of the opinion that Global Warming isn't a man made problem. I remember reading about how the Sun is the major factor for this warming and that data shows warming not only on earth but right across the solar system. Which will cause all sorts of mayhem on the planet, thus the OPs thread and pictures will verify.

There's definitely a push for this Global Warming ideology. The reasons for I would imagine have more to do with an agenda. Exactly what that agenda is, is probably multi pronged and incorporates many levels of Govt and business and is based solely on some form of grand profit making scheme.

IF HAARP is real and man has the means to control the weather, then its only going to be much more difficult to deny "Global Warming" as a cause. And I can see a future where those who doubt the "science" of Global Warming will be seen as conspiracy theorist crackpots.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:44 AM
Ultimately we are seeing mother earth make necessary changes to adapt for its new children. We may be seeing flooding one place, drought in another, but water is only moving from point A to B. Remember to stay focused on what you want in your future and it shall be.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:01 AM
Global Warming, even if the theories are true, would not have that effect, especially not yet. I advise you to educate yourself on those theories, since you seem to have bought into the whole sensational alarmism but without the science.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:49 AM
I prefer to call it climate change. The earth has been changing back and forth before our time and will continue to change for as long as the earth is here. The earth cycles are still unkown because we haven't be here long enough to know. Computer models are not perfect. They can't predict how clouds will respond to climate change. The Sun plays a big role in climate change. And scienctist know that the sun has been getting hotter and brighter over the last million years. Yet we still have cooler weather here and hot weather there.
You have the earth's axis and the wobble that causes climate change. The ocean currents & wind patterns have alot to do with climate change. The magnetic poles have caused climate change. There's no on and off switch for climate change, it's gonna do what it's going to do. What if we did somehow stop the warming on our planet and 10 years down the road our planet starts cooling

I guess the Global Cooling folks will come out of the woodwork then. Who's to say that if we start messing with the earth eco system and stop these warming patterns and cooling patterns that we just might cause something even worse?

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:23 AM
Im from Australia and live in Central Vic. We have been on higher water restrictions for a long time now, while Melbourne was still able to water there gardens every 2nd day or whatever. I think its to stop people in the city from panicking and insisting on greener alternatives to energy.
I believe in global warming as even though there arent long term records, droughts use to be 7 years or so. Something has changed imo.
One thing I dont understand is why water costs have gone up. Surely it doesnt cost anymore to provide drinking water?

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Johnmike
Global Warming, even if the theories are true, would not have that effect, especially not yet. I advise you to educate yourself on those theories, since you seem to have bought into the whole sensational alarmism but without the science.

I will take your advice, I still can't see how the global elite can gain power thru global warming. Kind of contradicts the whole idea behind keeping oil as our main fuel source as to make the global elite ritcher! And besides adapting to it will actually cost the 1st world economies a great deal of money and time.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 02:53 PM
sorry wrong thread please delete!

Thanx mods

[edit on 5-11-2007 by TheDarkFlame]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by rapturas
Although there may not be sufficient evidence (as you say) I for one would not like to continue the way we have been just in case you are wrong.

Heh. You're like a Christian who decides to keep kosher "just in case." Changing your behavior based on no evidence makes no sense.

Underneath all the noise made by the media (which has always loved a good crisis to promote), the science says that global climate is so incredibly complex that not only is the data suggesting global warming essentially unverifiable, the implication that human activity might have anything to do with it is basically fantasy.

Might as well give Al Gore a Nobel Prize in Tarot Card reading.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Nohup

Call me what you want mate and i have no say in how the people of this planet act. I just hope you are right and i am wrong. i dont mind being made to look like a fool i really dont, as long as you are right. i'll leave it at that.
So with that, im avoiding all global warming related topics, period =]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by rapturas
Call me what you want mate and i have no say in how the people of this planet act. I just hope you are right and i am wrong. i dont mind being made to look like a fool i really dont, as long as you are right. i'll leave it at that.

Well, a good rule of thumb to find out how serious you are about it is what your attitude is about children. Because you can recycle and drive a Prius and give money to various causes, but it all amounts to nothing if you have a kid, or several. Having children is the single most devastating thing you can do to the global enviroment, bar none. And if you're not willing to not have kids (or more kids), then you're just giving your global climate concerns a lot of cheap lip service.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Nohup

ok this is the last post in a global warming thread, i made a promise to myself as a teenager and im going to stick by that promise (and by all means, hold me to it please!). That promise was to never have children until, there was sustained world peace, that my friend i cannot see happening in my life time and that was before I ever knew what global warming was.

But as you say, global warming is natural (or a load of whohar) and humans have no impact on it anyway so, why should anyone bother recycling and not have ten kids if they can afford it? And don’t get me wrong, im by no means advocating waste, I would strongly encourage recycling, sooner or later we will be living in our own waste as there will be nowhere else to put the rubbish. Maybe biodegradable packaging should be made mandatory? But then with all the people saying global warming is a myth, why would they? And having more than two chilren will cause major, major problems in the near future but, its not up to me to decide what others do, just sharing my absolute honest opinion/s with you.

Anyway, im leaving it at that, will just wind myself up and no doubt others as well.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by rapturas
But as you say, global warming is natural (or a load of whohar) and humans have no impact on it anyway so, why should anyone bother recycling and not have ten kids if they can afford it?

Exactly the point. Personally, I don't like kids, and I don't see why we need to keep producing them. I don't see where human beings are an endangered species, so I'd prefer people not have so many children. Supply goes up, individual value goes down. My attitude has nothing to do with the climate, which I feel is way beyond our influence except in microclimates like big cities.

However, I feel that if people (not you) are going to get all self-righteous about how important it is to do something about global warming, by their own data, then they're complete hypocrites if they have kids. That's the ultimate test of someone's commitment.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 07:02 PM
Ok, this just in… A car lot and surrounding buildings was wrecked today by cyclonic winds. This is the first time this ever happens around this area and just days after the hail storm that started this post.
Just thought it’s connected. I feel sad for those who lost their houses today due to this incident.

By the way sorry for the bad pic, but it’s the only one I could find of the damage maybe a video later today.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:09 PM
If you think that way, removing yourself from the gene pool isn't a terrible thing.

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