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I have a few questions about 911.

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:11 PM
First off, if you don't know I'm a Canuck. I have a unique perspective on this world altering event. It DID alter the world. Just look at the WoT. It affects many countries, some not visited yet. Enough preamble, to the questions, directed at the "Official story believers" and the "Conspiracy theorists".

1- What is your goal here at ATS? To gain some new info, further understanding?

2- To reinforce what you already believe?

3- Further an agenda? I've see that in many forums.

4- This is a very important topic, do you care to add to gaining info on it or continue on a game of chess? "My pawn takes your pawn."

That's dissemination, not gaining anything. Just playing a game. I think that it's time to start listening to what each of you have to say, you might find some truth there then.
The loggerheads are doing little. You are ALL learning NOTHING. If ya'll won't listen, you WILL learn NOTHING. Then the PTB win.

Will you ALL THINK about these questions? I look forward to your replies.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
1- What is your goal here at ATS? To gain some new info, further understanding?

Concerning 9/11 to get a wide range of views and arguments from both sides. And yes maybe to find the last peace of puzzle that nails the case.
But it more looks like there are many peaces.

2- To reinforce what you already believe?

More like to discover holes and overseens.
Lastly it should not be a case of arguments and believes but of logic nature laws and proof. That's the way I seek. You know you can not cheat the physics forexample and as long as there is no sort of other proof (a confession, documents etc) definitive proof can only come from nature law side. However did a model someone made enclose and consider really everthing that plays a role here and with the correct datas? That's where the uncertaines starts.

I made my own calculations once and posted it here:
But have seen that this is maybe the wrong place for such.

I can summorize it in simple words again:
The result was the same as you already heard from others: not enough energie to pulverize the concret. You should know that I didn't aim at the energy question but my intension was simple to calculate the lower physical possible collapse time limit nothing more or less. The missing energy came out as a side result.

Next to the energie question it also showed an interesting dependency of collapse time to the precentage of pulverized concret left.
In short: you can eighter have 95% pulverized conrect OR a fast collapse time of about 13 sec BUT NOT both! (note not 11 sec as NIST tells you, but at least 13sec what is mor elike what you can observe)

However I am sure not freed from doing faults and so I self do not take this as the final proof. Who knows if I and others didnt make a misstake somewhere that lead to the missing energy result? However it sure put my views a big step toward the conspiratists. You can not break nature law's (only applay them wrong or feed with wrong datas) and if energy is missing than energy is missing, a physical fact and end of proof. In what form ever additional energy could be brought in is then irrelevant.

Well there are other signs that shows that energy is missing everywhere I forexample read from ATS: molten steel, heat over weeks the 'meteorit in the basement'.

3- Further an agenda? I've see that in many forums.

no agenda. except my own. To gather information. A disscusion strong 'oponents' is very good because it can helps you detect own and faulty assumptions. Lastly if you think you have a truth, and counter arguments fail to break it (viewed from all positions), then you can be more sure that it holds waters and maybe simple is the truth.

4- This is a very important topic, do you care to add to gaining info on it or continue on a game of chess? "My pawn takes your pawn."

I sit back and observe the chess. I once thought 9/11 is very importand because it could be repeated and used for the next war. But I see that the next war is already on it's way also without a second such event.
The Truth of 9/11 will someone be revaled. The only thing I worry that it could be delayed because of a too sudden movement on a unsolide base.
True all the many and fro normal human strong enough argument 'hint's yes even screems to inside job. But I fear that will not be enough when it comes to a confrontation. As in curt I think you should be ready to proof it. What when you are wrong!?

On the other already tooks a lot too long. 6 Years!

Heck from day 1 on the collapse of especially the north tower screemed to me impossible. Nighter the collaps could have started nor the collaps could have happened all down and in that speed according to my knowledge then. I already wondered then, how long till this for at least me very anormal behaviour will be serious disscused. I had expected a lot to come forward with considerations and calculations concerning that collapse. It was dissapointing to see not even NIST came up with such a calculation thought that had clearly belong to their job. Their 'report' is for the trash.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by g210b]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:32 PM
My goal is to maintain science through-out the discussions. I don't have anything to contribute to discussions that center around theories that deny photographic/video evidence or eye witness acounts (and by that I mean the majority - if a lone guy says he saw the Carebears attacking the Pentagon I really don't have anything to say because those people can't be helped by lay-people like me). I don't have anything to say to theories that have not employed minimization of capital assets (i.e. please don't ask me to believe your theory that takes the entire government - or a rather large percent of it to pull off and then keep silent).

All I want to do is keep good science in the talks. I don't believe the government did it and I don't believe the government intentionally allowed it to happen. I do believe there is identifiable negligence in the before and the after. I do believe there is evidence of criminal neglect in the handling of the investigation.

I want to talk about the scientific facts. And I enjoy discussing the things that may have been missed so that we can learn from our mistakes.

That's about it for me.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Well from one fellow Canuck to another, I also agree that 9/11 was a life changing event. It altered many things, I feel the world is not the same since.

1- What is your goal here at ATS? To gain some new info, further understanding?

My goal at ATS is to gain info, also further my understanding and generally voice some of my own ideas about this event.

2- To reinforce what you already believe?

Not at all, although at times this happens.

3- Further an agenda? I've see that in many forums.

Absolutely not.

4- This is a very important topic, do you care to add to gaining info on it or continue on a game of chess? "My pawn takes your pawn."

It is important and LOGIC must be applied to our reasoning regarding the events. There is much more here then winning an argument, it is about getting down to what happened or at least start that ball rolling.

Good post btw.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 09:37 PM
9/11 is just controlled terror.

A-Lee-Ann terror has been replaced by AL-K-DUH terror,
both a creation of the terror government.

UFOs are an electrical design stolen from Tesla.

Read it and weep in the research of Lyne.

If conspiracy theory is not to your liking, carry on.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
If conspiracy theory is not to your liking, carry on.

I have no problem with conspiracy theories, I DO have a problem with what made me ask these questions. I see those that are doing exactly what I questioned. It's curious too that those individuals, while being SO active in this forum didn't answer these questions posed. Kinda funny isn't it?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 12:49 PM
I am NOT the sharpest knife in the block for starters. There are way to many pieces of the 911 puzzle that cannot be shoved, trimmed, or hammered into place. To quote Judge Judy, if it doesn't make sense it isn't true. I could go ad nauseum into all the details, but we all mostly know them by now. The millions in put options on the airlines and stand down orders not to fly on 911 by far are the damning pieces of the nefarious puzzle. Games without frontiers, war without fears.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by intrepid

From the topic:

2- To reinforce what you already believe

I'm more like that.

However, 9/11 was just a space filler after about a year on the net and
books researching Tesla and the Lyne CT.

It just turns out the power structure is running things as usual.

But I have generated more CT events inside the T&L CT,
just to fill in some spaces.

ED: I have a youtube channel subscription to a poster of 9/11
videos and he only came up with two last time but some one with
a CIA archive of Alien rubbish put up 12 new videos.
The Alien guy deletes my anti alien postings, so I usually promote
his links and put thumbs down on the mind controlled posters.

[edit on 11/3/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

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