I made some fundamental changes in the forum code, and don't have the time to apply them to BTS this evening.
The changes should be applied by tomorrow morning (EST) and BelowTopSecret.com will reopen for business.
Also at that time, guests and members who have logged out will be able to have full access again.
Sorry for the delays.
I pretty much had the idea after I saw the little sign posted when I tried entering. Thanks for clearifying why it was closed down in the first place
Skeptic. Peace in the middle east.
Typical I never log off of BTS but the other day I went in there and I was the only member online. It's made me feel a bit self consious and I
didn't want to look like billy no mates so I browsed it as a guest. That'll teach me.
I too hope that BTS comes back soon, but on the other hand, I'm glad that Skeptic (and whoever else helps him) get all of the glitches worked out to
help streamline the ATS/BTS/ATSnn experience.
THE ONLY GRIPE I HAVE WITH BTS IS... home come when you click the BTS logo in BTS, it brings you to ATS?! That annoys me greatly, as in ATS, I'm use
to clicking the logo and coming back to the ATS home page. I'd like that to be worked out with BTS.