posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 02:58 PM
Greetings, and thank you for stopping in.
You know, there isn't a topic more avoided than the issues involved in the civil war. If you would have asked me 8 years ago, I would have told you
that the southern states attacked Fort Sumter, and declared secession from the union because of the growing anti-slavery sentiments in the newer
states. Mostly, from what I gathered in every history class I ever studied the subject in, it was because of slavery.
Now, we all know the winners write history. About 150 years ago, we fought against our own people. It wasn't, however, about slavery as most have
been misled into believing. It was about a states right to say no.
According to the Wikipedia entry regarding the civil war, it is believed that both northern and southern states agreed that slavery itself would die
out if it didn't expand. In truth, logically, it would have resulted in freedom on its own because of the humanity behind our constitution's outline
of freedom.
It is every mans right to choose for themselves, and the extent to which that choice has weight is emcompassed by moral grounds. It holds none when it
comes to one man having COMPLETE control over another person, breaking their will and controlling their life. This is the reason, I am sure, that many
soldiers of the north chose to fight.
If it were me, I would definitely have fought for the north, not understanding circumstances as I do now. You see, states lost their right to choose
how they live free of an outside sphere of direct influence. Not JUST the states that left the union, but all the states of the union. You may ask why
this is a bad thing, and on the outside it truly does appear harmless.
It was truly dangerous because each state lost their right to govern themselves. Your entire local and state government can be completely over-rided
by federal authority. One possible arguement is that we need their protection, and we need to present a mass-solid, unified front to the world. My
counter would be that it prevents each state from acquiring goods via import without being taxed, and paved the way for the removal of checks and
balances at the state level, thereby giving the government absolute say over its people and their way of life.
We all cringe at that word, and I want you to ask yourself why our forefathers signed a document declaring independence from a distant power demanding
more than they needed, nor deserved, if not to prevent their children from suffering the same way here as well.
In closing, be mindful that politics are not the sole purpose behind war. Capital gains are crucial to continue the war once its started, because if
you run out of money, you lose. Money is the driving force behind us, not our feelings or sentiments. No matter what you say or do, no matter what you
hail to be truth or self-evident, the need for money to survive will always keep you right where they want you.
Where, you ask?
Doing what you do every day. Right this second, reading these words on a device that someone who lived at the time we are discussing wouldn't have
understood in the least conceptible way. After you get done here, after you've responded and closed the window, remember this:
We have the right to choose, and we still have the right to change the way we do business. Every political fiasco going on in this world would give
itself a moment of pause if america took a moment of pause itself. The men we chose to represent us are going about it like the school-yard bully,
punching kids in the stomach and taking their money.
How does all of this have a connection?
We cannot even declare ourselves against the war and withdraw our NATIONAL GUARD troops. They are supposed to defend our state, not fight in foreign
wars, but thanks to the "federalization" of our states own defenders we have no way to protect ourselves from mother nature, let alone anything else
that could happen!
Think about it.