posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 08:01 AM
Oh wait, I just thought of something to add here... The justification for this abomination... MONEY!!! Yes, $$$$$$ MONEY! You see, in the article
they discuss the potential 2.6 billion dollars in lost revenue to agribusiness - which we all know is pretty much directly affiliated with big pharma.
So, this is beginning to make sense here.
You see, human lives, health, prosperity, freedom and liberty mean NOTHING when it comes to a few fat cat millionaire's profits. So, they purchase
the political clout to protect their profits while endangering thousands of innocent people - illagally, I should add.
When they are "found out" they simply purchase more political clout to ensure that they are protected and immune from prosecution. And, of course,
the poiciticians who initiated this eggregious violation of basic human rights will NEVER be prosecuted because they will obfuscate and point fingers
and cloud the issue to the point where nobody will know who is actually responsible.
I think that the time is nearing to storm the castle!