posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 11:35 PM
Am I the only one that finds this annoying? I pop in a forum and a thread catches my eye that happens to have 7 replies at that specific point in
time. Naturally, I jump into it with the expectation of actually reading the OP and the replies that followed. Imagine my astonishment and agitation
when I pop in that thread and all 7 of the replies are FROM the OP asking why no one has responded to his/her thread after there have been 319
Could it POSSIBLY be that, after 319 views and it being at the top of the page for the last hour, that no one CARES to reply to the thread? Hell,
after one or two tries, I'd just cry a bit and leave the thread to die with the hopes of no one else reading my posts of desperation.
I mean, naturally, some threads do just get missed and an occasional bump (or even two in extreme cases) will bring the thread the life it deserves.
However, if you are having to bump these things upwards of a dozen times and STILL no one is responding, it's probably a good idea to just let the
thing go.
I think it should be a rule of thumb that if your thread has spent the last 4 hours at the top of the page and it's full of replies from YOU alone,
the thread is pretty much a lost cause. Unless, of course, you simply enjoying carrying on a thread discussion with yourself.
But hey, I could be wrong. It HAS been known to happen before.