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Originally posted by PhotonEffect
I believe these are wake up calls. For what exactly, well I have my own interpretations. I see 11:11 all the time. So much so that I laugh inside when I see it. It's a consciousness thing, maybe more of a spiritual thing. You have a heightened awareness of it, hence the heightened state of consciousness. I believe this is ingrained in all of us. That it's very real and not a coincidence. 1111 got me started on my journey thru a wealth of information on consciousness, which had lead me to 2012, the mayans, the egyptians, the pyramids and so on. I'm learning alot about it all and it all seems to be connected. Believe in it.
Number 3:
Three (3) is the first sacred number, the first perfect number (Westcott, p. 41). Three represents the Pagan Trinity." (Westcott, p. 37). It is represented geo-metrically in the triangle, and spiritually as the Third Eye Of Hinduism. Occultists will multiply and add three to other sacred numbers to create new numbers. However, they also group threes in two's and threes, because they believe in the principle of "intensification", i.e., that greater power is achieved when a sacred number is grouped. In the case of three, greater intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333. 333 + 333 equals 666. Occultists have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which they present the more offensive number 666. When the details of an event are so arranged as to contain certain sacred occult numbers or numeric combinations, this is literally an occult signature on the event. Mathematically, 666 can be created when three pairs of threes are added. Thus, (3+3) + (3+3) + (3+3) = 666. Now, eliminate the parentheses and the plus sign, and you have 33 space, 33 space, 33, representing the number 666. Occultists Worship Numbers
Nine (9) is sacred because it is the "first cube of an odd number (3)", (Van Buren, p.40-41) The triple nine (999) is utilized to represent 666, because it is simply the inversion of 666.
Number 11:
In systems such as Astrology and basic Numerology, eleven is considered to be a Master Number. Eleven can also represent sin; transgression and peril. Ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. It is interesting to note that eleven when broken down (1+1=2) comprises the Two of duality. (LUCIFER tried/wanted to be equal to God) Number eleven is a master vibration and as such should not be reduced to a single number. People with this number could be both idealistic and visionary, and they are attracted to the unknown. They can be both unusual, interesting and magnetic personalities. Eleven bring the gift of spiritual inheritance, (system of the Anti-Christ) is gifted as the "Light-Bearer". (One of the names of Lucifer)
the forbidden knowledge
Number 77:
The obvious of course is 11x7=77
Our esteemed colleague Kansan1225 points out: 77, the mark of the revenge of Lamech. Lamech was a descendant of Cain, the first murderer, and father of Tubal-Cain, an important hero of the CLuMs (ancestor of Hiram Abiff). The Bible says the following about the mark of the revenge of Lamech: "And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, 'Hear my voice: ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.'" (Genesis 4: 23-24)