posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 11:18 AM
The key to being Hitler, is that most people didn't know what hit em.
Things were changed for (at the time) good enough reasons (gun control etc), but when they looked at the big picture, it was too late.
The new hitler, would be smarter (in order to succeed of course) and be even more covert.
I can think that the liberal opposition could be smashed effectively in one mighty slash.
I have been thinking about it recently, let me know what you think.
The problem Bush has with his agenda, is the liberal opposition that was bound to happen.
The solution:
could be in the WMD department. Withhold findings of WMD for an excedingly long time. Wait until the zenith of public outcry to the point of
governmental conspiricy.
Then, smash them with a resounding find of indisputable proportions.
This idea would work with real or planted WMD.
This to me seems to be the most likely event occuring now.
Look me up when it happens. I'll be famous for foresight