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What does the Mexican Government have on the Bush Adminstration

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posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 06:12 AM
I'm posting this thread in hopes of finding some rationalization on the current US/Mexico immigration issues. I thought of posting this thread on AbovePolitics but I smell a rat in this issue and think this may be more of a conspiratorial question.

Several years now I have watched the flood of illegal Mexicans come across the border. This has affected many Americans myself included. I closed a construction business after 10 years due to decreasing labor cost (caused directly by illegal labor) and a rise of materials. In hindsight, due to the current housing market, this was probably a wise decision.

We have all heard about the border guards prosecuted by Johnny Sutton, the fence that seems will never be built, and the Mexican government making demands that the current administration bends to at every opportunity.

Mexico demanded U.S. prosecute sheriff, agents

Bush, former Attorney General Gonzalas , and US Prosecutor Johnny Sutton, all buddies, seem to have something to hide. Sutton has even gone as far to get law enforcement officers to change their stories to avoid prosecution.

Deputy Hernandez

"I had been offered six months' probation but I wouldn't take the plea bargain. They wanted me to change my report about what happened"

My question is: Why?
Since when does America become influenced by an invading nation? Why is nothing being done?

The only answer I keep coming up with is Mexico has something on Bush, but what?

We have immigration laws in this country that our government ignores. Any other laws are strictly enforced. I'm not saying that all the red tape to gain legal status is easily cut through, and needs to be modified, but come on people our society and security depend on our ability to know who is here.

Mod Edit: BB Code.

[edit on 29/10/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 09:43 AM
That is a good question and I often wonder about it as well. I couldn't figure out why the government would let illegal aliens come through in droves and put undo weight on our public assistance programs and health care system (just try going to an ER in southern California...too many illegals using it as a substitute for going to a real general practitioner doctor, lol)

After going at it in my mind, I found an answer that suits me well, and in retrospect was very obvious.

I don't think there is any conspiracy here. It's called politics. Everyone knows a politician (from all sides) is concerned with, first and foremost, staying in power and helping their party stay in power. Due to the crappy mainstream media, if any politician "dares" say what needs to be said about illegal immigration....idiots out there would play the race card and smear them. Lets not forget about the possibility of millions of new voters who will sway towards whatever party kisses their ass enough.

So, no conspiracy. Just politics. Our political system has outgrown it's ability to properly govern the country. We have traded common sense, reason and logic for votes. Plain and simple. And it's a shame.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:53 PM
It's called "Profit". With a willing force of workers to do the jobs citizens won't do unless they get at least minimum wage, and a force of workers afraid to complain, willing to work beyond lawfull regulations, the added benefit of the employer not having to pay the taxes on these workers, and mostly no-one missing them if they disapear, it is a honey pot to those willing to do it.
Though it sounds cruel, it is a vast improvement from what they get in Mexico, working conditions are much better, the pay is vastly superior, and the ability to drink the water and eat the food without the daily worry you or your children will get sick or die is a relief. They are taught the system, how to get free heath care, free or reduced food, free education, and reduced cost housing better than they had back home in Mexico.
Both governments know it, and take advantage of it, a "sub rosa" back scratching, as it were. The corporations make a larger profit, the federal government passes the cost of social services back to the states, and the Mexican government makes a huge amount of money, as most workers send a large portion of their earnings back home where the families spend it in Mexico, while the U.S. takes the cost of social support on these people away from the mexican government, thus relieving them of the responsibility for social changes, sanitation, clean water, and the general betterment of their population.
A win-win situation for everyone involved, except the American tax payer.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 07:52 PM
This may be stretching it but it's something I've often wondered. If martial law was declared it would seem like there would be plenty of non-americans already here to enforce it.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:36 PM
Well, maybe both the US and Mexico want the NAU.

Due to the lack of border security, I think the next set of terrorist attacks
will take place in some port cities. The cost to ship goods to the US will
increase, and since its cheaper to make things in Mexico anyways, that
Trans-Texas Corridor superhighway will work out perfectly.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:39 PM
I concur with Aecreate since Bush was the former Gov. of Texas and probably started the current trend of using Texas as the Front for the NAU. The Bilderburg group is currently touting the current Gov. of Texas as the new Poster Boy for the future Presidency of the US......errr the NAU.......

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 05:37 AM
I'm sure that government complicity with drug smuggling may be one of many factors involved. Though I'm not sure if this "the" major issue. I heard recently that there are more billionaires in mexico than in the US. Money always seems to be the motivator in irrational government behavior. I would love to a look into those unmarked swiss bank accounts that probably most higher up politicians have. They'd probably make your head spin off its axis.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:21 AM
Well I thought this thread would have generated more interest.

The more I think about this topic I find the answers are illegal drugs, which have a huge impact on our economy, and of course oil, Mexico is the #1 exporter of oil to the U.S.

What you don't find in the media is the some of the richest people in Mexico are either directly or indirectly involved in the drug cartels. As I type this post and as you read it there are cartel hit squads not 100 miles from the U.S. border, threating American families and journalists. Granted not all of the wealth in Mexico is related to drugs, but to deny that a lot of wealth is a direct result of drug profits is ignorant. Hummmmm think that has influence on the Mexican Government? Did Governor Bush help in the drug trade by turning a blind eye on the common drug routes into Texas, and was he asked then by the Mexican Government to do so for oil profits? No conspiracy here, just politics.

Stop the imported illegal drug trade in the U.S. and you economically destroy many of our Central and South American friends. How many thousands DEA agents will loose their jobs? Where would we direct hundreds of millions of dollars used to stop "THE WAR ON DRUGS"? Think about it.

Scenario: Mr. Illegal Alien gets a job in the U.S. and sends what he doesn't spend on living expenses sends home to his family, often cash via mail or pocket on the return trip for the holidays. That cash goes to a Mexican bank, and then into the Mexican banking system multiplied by 20 million or so illegals in the U.S. Is that cash sent back to the U.S. and exchanged into pesos?, or is it sold by the Mexican Government on the foreign currency exchange?, or is held to aid in the plunge of the dollar?
Import enough illegal labor into the country labor prices fall, take enough currency out of American circulation and more will have to be printed resulting in the loss of value on the dollar. What happens then? The slow spiral of the middle class going down the toilet. Divide and conquer.

Does the above scenario allow for a quicker implementation of a North American Union? YES

The current adminstration has sent our National Guard to the border, "To help secure the border" unarmed, and are rewarded for retreating when being fired upon.

If any other country on the planet fired on U.S. troops on U.S. soil we would consider that an act of war and eliminate at anything that moved. (Rules of engagement) Yet we ignore the problem, and you call it politics. Yup absolutely no conspiracy here.

[edit on 11/2/2007 by HeavilyArmed]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:56 AM
Thought I'd do some cross-thread linking:

DEA reports Islamic extremists teaming with Mexican drug cartels

DEA report: U.S. terror cells linked to drug cartels

WASHINGTON — A Drug Enforcement Administration report indicates terrorist sleeper cells in the United States are working with Mexican drug cartels to fund terror operations, according to a published report.

The sleeper cells and drug traffickers are transporting narcotics and other contraband across American borders, according to a report published by the Washington Times.

Hearing sought on Islamic, Mexican ties

Rep. Ed Royce, ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs terrorism and nonproliferation subcommittee, said the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) document — first reported yesterday by The Washington Times — highlights how vulnerable the nation is when fighting the war on terrorism.

"I'll be asking the terrorism subcommittee to hold a hearing on the DEA report's disturbing findings," said Mr. Royce of California. "A flood of name changes from Arabic to Hispanic and the reported linking of drug cartels on the Texas border with Middle East terrorism needs to be thoroughly investigated."

Since when does America become influenced by an invading nation? Why is nothing being done?

U.S. "Interests": Hardcore Drugs

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 12:43 PM
Wow!!! Some of you guys are like super have really taken huge gulps of the kool aid....huge gulps. Both Republican and Democrat kool aid.


Now that we have that out of the way I will tell you what I know and have been able to picece together from the past history of which I know.

Not the Democrat history or the Republican history but the history and knowlege both partys dont want you to know..they are both jerking you off here on the Mexican issue. As I have stated many times in ATS/BTS..and I beg your pardon on the crudity.....this type of political whoredom is masterbation. Both partys will sell your souls/jerk you off to a concept which is a placebo to keep you flailing your arms in the air uselessly...never giving you real facts but keeping you on a placebo issue in order to maintain you in a disarmed status while they continue with poliltics as usual. THe Republicans and Democrats will both play this game simply because on most issues of importance to the American public ..the American public intrest is not that of which they are concerned. They are intrested in primarily the issues of the party first. The American public comes somewhere back down the line. Some of you should already know this when rooting for your "TEAM."

Some time back in the early 1980s or late 1970s the nation of Mexico suffered a huge inflation ..ruining the value fo the Mexican Peso. The peso lliterally went through the tank...just as the dollar is well on its way to doing today.

What happened in Mexico is that those with a currency of any value went into Mexico and bought up anything of pennys on the dollar so to speak and built plants and factorys with their more valuable currencys. In otherwords this was a type of buy out..foreigners bought anything of value in Mexico.

THe problem was that once they got thier plants and factorys going..their new investments ...they could not employ every Mexican. They were not all skilled enough or knowlegable enough. These new plants needed a stable Mexican Government to function at a profit. Remember too that not all of these plant owners are American...some are European. Profit has no nationality. No such loyalty. INvestment peoples will take their moneys wherever and when ever the profit potential is greatest.

THe problem to stabilize the Mexican Government such that these new investors do not lose thier investments due to Government instability.

THe answer is to get most of the unemployable peoples across the border such that they can earn moneys and keep the government of Mexico stable and thereby keeping these foreign investments solvent.

IF we stopped every illegal alien from coming across the border tomorrow the government of Mexico will be in huge difficultys within two weeks to a month. Probably a revolution will take place..and these foreign investments will crumble.

The Government of Mexico is owned by foreign investments. Not Mexican peoples per se. They know this about the hold they have on us..through their owners/investors. So do our most influential politicians. Neither of these groups are about to clue in the public. We are to remain dumb as a box of rocks on this issue. WE are to ignorantly feed off the political trough and also the media trough who shill for thier respective political partys.

All of these groups are lying and deceiving us about this issue.
It is not a matter of political party ..they are both liars on is the media.

You will never convinice me that the media is so stupid they cannot figure this out.

If some of you cannot figure this out on your is because you are on the treadmill right where they want you. You will never ..from them be given enough informations to think this through independently.

This is why neither party is wont to change the status..of this issue..but just use it for thier political gain..against the desires of the publilc they claim to be representing.

If we stop the illegal aliens the government of Mexico will fall shortly in economic instability. In case you dont get it ...we are subsidizing the Mexican Government. We have to ..and our politicians/leaders are lying to us about this subsidy.

Is this not what happened in New Orleans after the Hurricane..we subsidized the state of Louisiana to prevent collapse/chaos...while they laughed at us ..turned thier noses at us and demanded more while heaping huge doses of guilt on the rest of the nation?
How stupid do you have to be not to make the dots connect?? It initially looks different but it is not.
This is the whoredom of politics at work here in Louisiana too. You are never to be able to think this far on your own.
What we are also doing in Louisiana preparing the ground for new investors at public expense/subsidy.

It is not a matter of Republican or Democrat...this has been going on with Mexico since Jimmy Carter.

Armed with what I just told you ....look closely at the political partys and also at the media for hints of this.

The Mexican Government and the investors know we are stuck like a bug on flypaper here. To many investment dollars in Mexico. They have us over a barrel. This is what your political whoremasters dont want you to realize. This is thier leverage over us. Your ignorance.

This means that our governmet is not calling the shots here. IT means that the investors are calling the shots on our government. They own and run our government as well as the Mexican government for thier purposes...not ours. Our government has long ago been hijacked..from us. Voting will mean nothing here.
They will direct this drama no matter what party is in office.

Some of you need to really pull your heads out and get some fresh air. Also stop drinking the political kool aid. This whorish system is emotionally jerking you folks off on a placebo issue so that you dont see the real movement going on in the background.

This issue is about someones investments. Not our Americanism nor our political leanings. This system is a whore..and it has put a Socially transmitted disease in your brains to keep you whored out. It will sell your souls and the souls of your children for its whoredom/profit.

Get off that two party placebo/drivel and start thinking on your own.
This system doesnt care about the illegal aliens, the Mexican peoples, nor the American peoples..but only thier investments.

To the Mods and others on this I have stated on other posts...pardon my crudity... but someone has to say it.


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