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Alex Jones Paid $1300 by Ron Paul?

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posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:25 PM

Alex Jones Paid $1300 by Ron Paul?

In the past Paul has attempted to distance himself from the support of 9/11 conspiracy theorists by saying he did not share their views. Captain’s Quarters and Hot Air have posted reports that the Paul campaign has paid out $1300 to Alex Jones, a leading “Truther” who has also contributed to Paul’s campaign. So Alex Jones donates $2300 to Ron Paul, then Ron Paul pays Alex Jones $1300 for services rendered. Seems a little strange....
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:25 PM
So what exactly was that $1300 for? I think that's a major question which needs answering.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:41 PM
$1300, is that all? Compared to the bribary and dodgy payments, 'donations' and what not that go on thats pretty small. I am constantly hearing of these politician types sending each other money (probably laudered) way up into the millions. And your giving AJ a problem for passing back and forth a couple of grand?

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:43 PM
I gonna guess that $1000 is some type of donation limit from someone in Alex Jones' campaign contribution classification.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:43 PM
yeah what Insolubrious said

and you just registered?

well isnt that special...

[edit on 28-10-2007 by born_to_be_wired]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:34 PM
I've been having deep thoughts about Alex Jones ever since I met a guy who used to work with him, said he's a giant a-hole and he's a power hungry maniac. The guy's name was Adam, don't remember the last name... but there's always a possibility Adam was just blowing steam. Adam supported the truth movement, but said he'd think twice about following Alex Jones religiously..... oh and another interesting connection, speak of the devil, is his affiliation with Gensis Communications Network, which I've HEARD is a radical Evangelical Christian news network. I don't investigate much into Alex Jones or pay much attention to his stuff anymore, so I'm not saying anything I'm suggesting here is concrete, just a bit speculative. I just never got a good feeling about Alex Jones pushing a major presidential candidate... and let's face it, Ron Paul is a major presidential candidate now. The conspiratorialist in me is brewing with thoughts that all of this info that Alex Jones is putting forth may mostly be based in facts, but for what agenda? I feel suspicious about Alex's whole agenda. He really makes me uncomfortable... although I appreciate some of the info he's given us over the years...and I'll admit I watched Endgame and it kinda scared me what he was talking about... but there's the thing, Alex is pushing fear and anger onto an already paranoid and pissed off group of people, and I just think he's trying to incite something that's not gunna end peacefully or beneficially for anyone EXCEPT the very people he's supposedly fighting against.

Just my theory. Thanks for the article, duuude.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:47 PM
Dont really see the problem here. Ron Paul is a favorite for many people who wants things to change in the US. Its not about 9/11 or stuff like that, its about the fact that all of the other candidates are exactly the same as the one you have now. Giuliani, Hillary and everybody else... they are crooks. Plain and simple.

If you want change, you have to vote for Ron Paul. And Alex Jones and millions of other people want change, believe me.

By the way, on November 5:th, there will be huge donations being done to Ron Paul:

The idea is to donate $100 on the fifth of november and raise Ron Paul’s campaign funding by the millions,

Source: RonPaulNation

[edit on 28-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:17 PM
hey guys,

I actually registered some time ago and just forgot my login so I re-created it. What I'm saying here is that regardless of how much money it is - Alex Jones took money from Ron Paul's Campaign and Alex Jones fronted for him. It doesnt matter if Alex Jones took $1 (and btw $1300 is a lot of money and for many people outside of California thats a mortgage payment).

This is about objectivity and what was that money for? What did that $1300 buy? Airtime etc. And this is just a payment we know about because it has to be publicly disclosed. So who else has paid him how much for what.

I hope you see my point now. How can you trust his objectivity, how can you trust what he is saying, how can you trust him when he takes money from the people he is interviewing (and takes it directly). How do you know who he works for?

BTW I have nothing to say one way or another about Ron Paul. This is about Alex Jones.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by orphillips]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by orphillips

$1300.00 dollars from a candidate who is free of ulterior motives, not that big of deal at all. I could see if it was someone he was previously in disagreement with but that's not the case. I don't understand where your outrage comes from.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:36 PM
The outrage is this. Good, bad, right, wrong Alex Jones and he network of sites are seen and treated as news sources - and before you get me on well big news agency yada takes money from foo but still reports on bar - I would remind you that the individual journalists do not.

So lets think of it this way. Anderson Cooper (just a name for use in explination) is paid $1500 by dow chemical (no reason why given) just check and deposit. So we know Anderson Cooper got $1500 and Dow Chemical signed the check. How would you feel if Anderson Cooper did a special on how great dow chemical was. Wouldn't you think that was a little suspect? Its like taking blood money or signing a deal with the devil - or whatever cliche you want to use.

Ok so Alex jones has Ron Paul on multiple times on his show then takes a PAYMENT (not donation but payment for services rendered) for $1300 which is a lot of money (and do please tell me if you guys disagree). All I'm asking is what was he paid to do, and if he accepted payment from ron paul - who else did he get paid by for what?

All I'm saying is this payment makes his objectivity suspect. Nothing more. I'm aksing a question, and aside from justifications I don't hear a lot of answers.

I'm not making a value judgement on Ron Paul, frankly I don't feel positive or negative about him and truthfully I trust no politicians period. I'm just pointing out this is a little odd and trying to get an answer and if you click on the link you'll see alot of other people are as well.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by orphillips

You're being rather irrational about the whole ordeal. Maybe it was a monetary show of "thank you" for everything Alex Jones has tried to do for Ron Paul. Maybe he was contributing to a video or documentary. We can speculate just as much as you can. I also think your Anderson Cooper/Dow Chemical was rather cheesy in itself. If you're going to use a comparison as an example, let's keep it apples to apples.

$1300.00 dollars is not a lot of leverage for somebody like Alex Jones. You can speculate (as we love to do here) until the cows come home, but how is anyone going to give you a straight answer when we don't know your motive behind the implications. Plainly put, who would trust what anybody would have to say without intuitive agreement or reasoning? I think Ron Paul has shown his dedication to his country through his track record in congress. Why waste money facilitating the vote of your unstable conpiracy theorist when the votes for anything close to that tiny demographic are already yours?

It's obvious here that the money wasn't used with any ulterior motive, and probably has more do with some show of respect, or compensation for his unwaivering support for the campaign. Afterall, Jones is giving Ron Paul a lot of exposure on radio and video that costs him time and money, without being compensated to begin with.

Although, I think Prisonplanet is more a liability than it is anything else..

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by indierockalien

People put too much emphasis on the man and not what he's saying.

So what if Alex Jones is an asshole? He's not trying to be your buddy, he's trying to wake people up.

If people weren't so freakin lazy they would go check out what he says and verify it for themselves, instead of endlessly debating on whether what he says is true or not based on their opinion of his character.

Really what it comes down to is some people don't like what he's saying, and they don't care if it's true or not, they just don't want to hear it. They stick their fingers in their ears and yell he's an asshole he's an asshole.

What he's saying is nothing new, everything can be checked. If he's wrong then present your evidence for it, if he's right then do the same...

[edit on 28/10/2007 by ANOK]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by orphillips
Ok so Alex jones has Ron Paul on multiple times on his show then takes a PAYMENT (not donation but payment for services rendered) for $1300 which is a lot of money (and do please tell me if you guys disagree). All I'm asking is what was he paid to do, and if he accepted payment from ron paul - who else did he get paid by for what?

All I'm saying is this payment makes his objectivity suspect.

There really is nothing objective about ALEX JONES, he has a stated agenda, to bring down the New World Order. What other candidate would consider being interviewed by Alex Jones ? (Hillary,Rudy) What other candidate would the ALEX JONES listening audience want to hear ?

ALEX JONES is a for profit operation. Hosting a US Rep from TEXAS(Jones' home state), that is an official candidate for the US presidency is a big deal in alternative radio advertising markets.

If it is true that US presidents are "elected" and not "selected" then hopefully nobody would base their vote on the actions of a radio talk show host.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 12:10 PM
Ok, a reply to this has been posted on PrisonPlanet:

Nothing nefarious here, folks. Indeed, Alex Jones donated to the Ron Paul campaign, as radio talk show hosts are allowed to donate to the political campaigns of their choice. As for the supposed “$1,300 payment” to Alex Jones, this was merely a refund. Jones made a mistake—he intended to donate $1,000, not $2,300, and the $1,300 was a refund. The transaction was noted by OpenSecrets, an organization covering presidential funding.

Source PrisonPlanet


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