reply to post by Rigel
I found your thread the most precise example of a person that talk to much about things that it does not know at all or only in a so small portion,
your hypothesis is really impressively bold.
Schizophrenia is a type of mental illness that weak the will of the person, its attacks happen without having the patient control over them, usualy
paired with motionless or purposeless agitation. It is true that many schizophrenics have allucinations but also it is true that when they became in
critical state everybody can see clearly that they are out of control.
These type of allucinations are usually related with traumatic experiences lived in some previous epoch, in which the disorder started, so
are not
the type of pleasant visions described in the bible, not a calm dialog between God and a prophet, like the ones of Daniel, or the dreams of Joseph or
St John, but something entirely different that happen during a personal panic crisis being awake.
Could an schizophrenic have a visions of David like the ones described in Salm 91 or Salm 98 or Salm 23? Not at all any physician can assure to you.
The salms of david are not only vissions but one of the the must highest samples of poetry of the antiquity.
For this reason many schizophrenic requires isolation since it is so common that they became violent, during their allucinations they have fierce
argumentations or even fights with their imaginary adversaries or conflicts.
If the vissions of the prophets were all a chain of schizophrenic experiences never nobody could go to any part following them, it was impossible
the successful trip of Abraham from Ur, in Iraq, to Palestine, or the exodus of the hebrews across the Sinai toward Palestine. How thousands of people
were going to follow a visible mad man ? somebody with clear signs to be insane?
By other side terrible events predicted in the Bible like the destruction of Sodoma and Gomorra, also announced in vissions have been confirmed by
archaelolgists as well as the existence of the walls of Jerico that Jeshua destroyed with the aid of God or the great flood of Noah, recently
documented by Geologists, Archaelogists, and historians in connection with the broken of the Bosphorus straight to allow the pass of giant amounts of
water from the Egeus to the Black sea.
There are many things that does not match with your theory, that looks to be the most schizophrenic I ever listen about the mysteries of The bible. I
suggest you to return to the Psychiatry faculty if you have really studied this Science to give such a diagnostics or consult your own Therapeut about
these terrible doubts.
by the way one of the most efficient ways to prevent the suffering of mental illness like this one we are talking about is precisely to have a strong
religious beliefs.
This is since Schizophrenia is by definition the progressive lose of all the psicological defenses of the individual, the
patient feels that some external evil forces control his life, that are permanently stressing him, creating resistance or arguing with him in his
There are many causes of this problem, one could be the the cumulative pressure of the problems of life and the absense of something that give hope
and others organics or from the personal style of life, related with the lack of capacity to restore the normal emotional balance, natural state of
tranquility of the mind.
The people that does not learn how to relax in any way, to create innner peace, the ones that depend a lot of the surrounded circumstances are so
vulnerable to this type of mental illness. In this way we can see that Atheism is not precisely a good option, at least not very healthy for mind, as
famous cases like the one of Friedrich Nietzsche can show( pls
Other famous cases of Schizophrenia among atheists in the History were Joseph Stalin & Adolf Hitler.
Pls chk:
thanks to open this thread to allow me to clarify this so important point, Of course for the skepticals of the extrasensorial perception.
I suggest you to don't speculate more about this topic, that it is clear you don't know deeply and if you want to know more about the actual meaning
of Predictions, the work of serious professional psychic and about me chk my threads at:
The Angel of lightness
[edit on 5/20/2008 by The angel of light]