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Why crush down the towers?

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posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 09:28 PM

What if there were a secret "building code" of sorts that required buildings in close proximity to other large buildings, such as in many urban areas, to be pre-wired for emergency demolition in the case of an out-of-control fire or terrorist act to prevent a leaning fall or domino effect.

Brillant! So we rig all the building to blow up in case terrorists attack or
catch fire! Think of all the money cities could save by not having a
fire department - can just blow up the building then clean up the mess!

In case you dont know (which I surmise) it takes months to rig a
building for demolition. All the fixtures and plumbing are stripped out,
the support columns are cut and charges places precisely . Trying
to rig an occupied building would be impossible. Also in case you didn't
know the buildings surrounding the WTC site suffered severe impact and
fire damage from debris. Blowing up a building is extremely difficult
and often results in "collateral damage" - many structures are
dismantled as is the Deutsche Bank (130 liberty st) which was damaged
by South Tower collapse.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 09:41 PM
I guess reason and common sense are just a little bit too mundane for some people. That is the only explanation I can think of for all the insistance I am reading that the all powerful, super secret and ultra evil U.S. government took out the WTC to start a war, and become the world police, ever vigilant, all knowing. Apparently I am blind to the fact that some buildings are secretly pre-wired for demolition in case of civil unrest. Hmmm. What a scary sci-fi novel some people live in. Face it, the government just ain't that clever, although apparently some folks will never always insist that they know the "truth", and the rest of us are just blind. I think that this mindset is called the Christ complex. Or you could call it conspiracy theorist.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 10:43 PM
this has been posted so many times before, but I feel like saying it again. So look at it this way:

Your the president, and you have a secret agenda to liberate the middle east to obtain a steady flow of oil for your own personal income, along with another secret agenda for God knows what (NWO, NAU, etc). But see, you have to be efficent. If you want the public mointered, and never having privacy just so you can procede with plans for new world order, along with obtaining oil, what better way then to liberate the country together for a war in which will help you get this oil, and will give you an excuse to implement all these plans to take away the american privacy and rights while looking innocent. For example, the when two air liner jumbojets hit one of the most symbolic icons of the American Capitalist (and "free") Society, killing thousands of the American Innocent people, the standard american is going to say "ZOMG! What just happened?" So what are they going to do? Turn to channel 500 and watch CNN. Whats the American Government going to do? Well, hmmm lets see. If we can get the country to turn against the country we want to invade because it has oil which would be a signifigant step in our plan, why not? So the government controlled media says that it was an act of terrorism. So then, the country is going to bond together and say "Man, we need to get these guys back. We won't let this happen again." So, the Government invades the country that has done this act of terrorism to get rid of the terrorists. While they are at it, they tell the country "Hey, if you want to be safe, we're gonna have to do this this and this (Patriotism Act, etc). Essentialy, the Goverment is taking away the American publics' rights right from underneath their nose making it look like its for their own good, but really, before you know it, you guys will be under martial law and you'll be sending nukes over to Iran. Head north, your always welcome here.
My 0.02 $ CAD worth anyways....

Edited for spelling errors

[edit on 103131p://000 by For(Home)Country]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 07:34 AM
Research the towers themselves. They were huge money losers and fill with ASBESTOS. Good ol' Larry made millions when they fell.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 08:42 PM
Thanks jmsbois and thedman......

Now, I remember why I've never left a post.

It was just a thought, you close minded twits!

I'm out!!!!!

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by snoopy

It's this kind of nonsense that makes me mad because it goes beyond simple misunderstandings and becomes outright deception. Maybe not from you, but definitely from the tabloids you get this stuff from who have the resources to actuall research this correctly.

Do a little research on demolitions.

BTW, I see you gave up on this thread...funny how you brought your argument with myself here. Enough said.

[edit on 29-10-2007 by Tomis_Nexis]

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by snoopy

Well. a little further afield , five of the hijackers named are alive and well and have surfaced in other countries....There are No ,thats none arabic names on the passenger lists.....Boxcutters?really.....Cell phone calls scientifically impossible from planes too.....lets roll my arse......
the whole thing stinks of some very big lies....what about the head of ISI (paki intelligence payting off the chief hijacker with 100,00$???Its no wonder the people are not complacent with the govt version...It does not fit the facts and was not arrived at by thorough investigations....Now Scientists have started a truth org...they should have better maths skills than we...The Pilots have a truth org....they have very definate science to back up their claims too....

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 01:06 AM
there's a saying, when something dont make sense it's probably not true. in this case some are under a cloud of stupidity and think the twin towers was an inside job. saying 9/11 was a inside job does not make any damn sense. i dont care what the hell anyone says cuz half of these guys that believe 9/11 was an inside job watch too many damn movies. TOO MANY MICHEAL MOORE MOVIES. you got idiots saying there were halograms, you got dudes sayin there were explosives, you got guys saying it was an inside job. nobody remembers Bin Laden warning us he had something planned for us. no one remembers Bin Laden bragging about what he had orchistrated. i guess all these guys that think 9/11 was an inside job have their heads up their aS$es just like Rosy Odonell. i am personally insulting any jacka$$ that thinks 9/11 was conspired. most people that think 9/11 was an inside job probably have no life. so they find sites like this to shoot smoke up eachothers as$es. whats next you guys are going to say the 2004 tsunami's were caused by an exployding nuclear sub? when all is said and done i will always laugh in the face of any person that thinks 9/11 was an inside job or conspired. nobody will ever find a damn thing to link our government to the 9/11 disaster. never, ever will there be real evidence to link anything to a conspiracy becuz there never was a goddamn conspiracy. its all in your guys's heads.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 01:38 AM
so poeple think that 9/11 was conpspired to go to war. hmmmmmm. does anybody really think that our government cannot get oil through trading? the president is given intellegents and must make descisions. what a lot of people over look is that our intellengence sucks. we get missiformed or we dont get the intel soon enough. in this case of 9/11 we had barely any middle eastern interpreters, we did not take the Phillipino FBI information seriously, yeah they warned us they were on to something but we said it was not enough evidence to act apon. this is where conspiracies are thrown in. you can say the government knew about the plot or the president knew about the plot. but in all reality we have buruacracy thats gets in the way. theres no way one can know when the terrorist were going to make their move. let alone know the very flights they were taking. if the government said they didnt have enough info to act on then why not accept that. they're admitting to their lack of knowing which is why the whole thing went down. so they already bit the bullet. our intellegents has gotten stronger becuze of this disaster. we learn from our mistakes this is why it will probably not happen again(knock on wood). i believe in plenty of conspiracys but 9/11 is not one of them. we wasted money going to Iraq this is one hell of a blow to Bush. he knows he has the worst record as the president. he wasted more money than any other president but it does not mean that anything that took place was more than terrorism. i dont like Bush i dont think he's smart or did a good job on his part. just remember that the president is told what to do by his advisors so there are plenty of other people to blame besides a dumb Bush. our FBI sucks as well as our CIA. they could not stopped the 9/11 disaster becuz it never got to the white house. yes there are plenty of things kept from the president and his staff. like this flying saucer technology that the government tries to hide. how many people know that our most expensive investment in the U.S is located in Chicago? its called the FermiLab where we produce anti-matter. the most advance form of energy in the universe. and you can only guess what it will be used for and where we got it from. i do believe in some things but the 9/11 conspiracy is the BIGGEST JOKE known to man.

[edit on 30-10-2007 by S.O.Blilbobby]

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by bergle
reply to post by snoopy

Well. a little further afield , five of the hijackers named are alive and well and have surfaced in other countries....There are No ,thats none arabic names on the passenger lists.....Boxcutters?really.....Cell phone calls scientifically impossible from planes too.....lets roll my arse......
the whole thing stinks of some very big lies....what about the head of ISI (paki intelligence payting off the chief hijacker with 100,00$???Its no wonder the people are not complacent with the govt version...It does not fit the facts and was not arrived at by thorough investigations....Now Scientists have started a truth org...they should have better maths skills than we...The Pilots have a truth org....they have very definate science to back up their claims too....

The hijackers being alive stems from an errant article from a week after 9/11 which has since been corrected. I challenge you to find any source prior to 2001 making that claim other than the tabloids who all source that very same article as a source even though it was corrected over 5 years ago.

Yes the names were indeed on the passenger manifest. They however were removed from the passenger lists that were put in the public at the request of the victims families who were offended at seeing the names of the hijackers listed along with the victims.

Yes Bocutters. One of the few lethal weapons that was still allowed by most airlines at the time. Are you suggesting that boxcutters cannot cut people or be used as a weapon? If I were to stab you with one, do you think you would not bleed, or likewise if someone were to slash your throat with one? I for one know my own limitations.

Cell phone calls are not only scientifically possible, but studies have proven it possible. What's being exploited here is the fact that it's very unlikely to reach a cell tower from 35,000 ft. But this would require that the hijackers flew 35,000ft the whole time and nosed dived into their targets. A claim that even the most outlandish conspiracy theorist wouldn't even touch. Much of the time the planes were WELL within range of cell towers. And then many of the calls were also made from Airphones, not cell phones.

What stinks of big lies are the web sites you are getting your information from. Your claim about the $10,000 cannot be verified as reliable information. of course when it comes to conspiracy tabloids, confirmation of information is not needed. So long as it makes an implications, fact checking can go right out the window.

The vast majority of "scientists" on the ae911 org (which I assume is what you are referring to) are not even remotely qualified to make any such cases other than via personal opinion and not a single one has been able to have any papers legitimately peer reviewed. It's jsut one more group attempting to mislead people by pretending to have really credible sources spreading the same cliches as everyone else.

And that's the problem. They lack the science to back it up. If they DID have the science to back it up, this would be big news and the case would be cracked wide open. But they don't, hence not being taken seriously by the scientific community.

Honestly though, all these cliches you listed have all been discussed in their own threads on this forum. Your response, while noble, is just an attempt to try to avoid the actual subject of topic by throwing everything you can. As Ryan just called it "The conspiracy shuffle".

Just ask yourself if the sites you get your info from might possibly have a reason to not be honest with you. And ask yourself if these are really facts or if you just want them to be fact so badly you will not try to question them.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Tomis_Nexis

Do a little research on demolitions.

BTW, I see you gave up on this thread...funny how you brought your argument with myself here. Enough said.

[edit on 29-10-2007 by Tomis_Nexis]

Now come up with a real response instead of a repeated cop out of "just research demolitions" . Definitely enough said as it's quite clear you have no intention of a fruitful debate. God forbid you actually SHARE your "little research" with others so as to spread this "truth". That might be too much work wouldn't it? If you are so hellbent on truth as you seem to profess to be, why do you refuse to share it?

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by snoopy
Yes Bocutters. One of the few lethal weapons that was still allowed by most airlines at the time. Are you suggesting that boxcutters cannot cut people or be used as a weapon? If I were to stab you with one, do you think you would not bleed, or likewise if someone were to slash your throat with one? I for one know my own limitations.


This one has aways made me shake my head in wonder, how is it people can doubt something with a sharpened blade cannot maim or kill a person??

People that question such things should take a look at some of the prison museums about the country to see what even simpler devices can be used to kill or incapacitate another. Spoons, combs, newspaper, rulers, typewriter parts, etc...hell I had a guy in highschool attempt to stab me in the face with a pencil which I blocked with my left forearm and still have the scar from where it punctured through the flesh and broke off in my arm.

Flesh is alot easier to slice than cardboard boxes.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 09:19 PM
I haven't read every posts in this thread (perhaps not yet), but damn - I did not expect much of replies to come in my thread. I thought thread died already.

I appreciate for every posts you all have made in here, thanks!

[edit on 3-11-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by TheoOne
That's the thing I don't get, though. Why crush down the towers and kill amount of people?

I read where the towers were money losers and would have been torn down if it wasn't for the asbestos removal was to costly.

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