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Thanks alot Yankee Libs...

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posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 02:03 PM
Rant, you bring up some good points however so does Bout Time. Yes, the past elected dem have been from the south and yes us southern dems feel disconnected from the Likes of Ted and the boys but we still relate to JFK's vision for the country and the way he stood up to Castro and Russia. That has politically went a long way with the southern dems. I mean, the only reason we're out of touch with Ted is because he's done damn near everything he could to make it that way. Speaking as one of the people you arew concerned about, I don't think Kerry is that bad a choice. Heck, I like Joe Lieberman for that matter but I saw him compromise too many of his principles to run with Algore who I have despised since he was a Senator. I'm hoping the dems can get it together and present a fresh confident direction to take us in. It enough already with criticizing the other side.

The main point is. Pointing the finger at someone else and saying they're wrong doesn't give me any idea of how you would do it better. Thats what we want. How are we going to do it better?


posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 03:01 PM

This makes sense if you look at who has recieved the most votes in these primaries!

Kerry 39% 32%
Dean 28% 21%

Thats a bunch of the Dem voters telling them what they want!

Now it is early and we'll see who comes out on top of this ticket as we meander across the USA but I think this trend is a strong one that we will see continue.

If Dean & Kerry continue to flip-flop victories the two of them would make a very strong ticket to take on anybody the GOP sends at them.

As for Cheney, he will not be removed from the ticket, unless of course everyone realizes he actually is dead and they just haven't told him yet.

Cheney is the puppetmaster for the shrub marionette, without his hand up shrubs arse the whole damn thing would fall apart.

And ... Does Juliani really want his political legacy to be ruined when all of the crappolla hits the fan about this admins dirty dealings and LIES upon LIES about everything from 911 to WMD's????

Rudi is enjoying his new found popularity as the NYC toughy who stood fast under severe diversity as the towers fell. Although you notice he was no where near his WTC offices that morning? hmmmmmmmmmmmm???


posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Bob88
RANT is making a lot of sense, imho. I see my region, great lakes, thinking the same way. Here, Gebhardt would have done well against Bush. The region also supported the Iraq war more than any other area and there are some highly contested states like MI and Ohio. With Kerry, I think the red states expand (or blue, in your pic, Rant). I also think Dean would/will have the same problem. On the other hands, these states were close in the last election and the job losses could tip the scales, if those that have lost their since Bush won't vote for him. Who knows really what will happen. I still don't think the Dems have a solid candidate.

[Edited on 27-1-2004 by Bob88]

Yes, Bob, you are correct in that they do not have a solid candidate, nor a sane or lucid one. Especially with Clark and Dean trying to out-crazy one another.
Did you get that crap Clark said, that Kerry isn't qualified to be prez because he was only a lieutenant? Danny DeVito in One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest was more in touch with reality!

As a proud Teamster, I am not happy that the Dick dropped out, but I think also that our sister Ann said it right in her last column, "For all his talk, even Dick Gephardt was willing to abandon blue-collar workers in a heartbeat. The Teamsters haven't asked for much, only two big votes in the past decade: (1) Oppose NAFTA, and (2) support drilling on a small, godforsaken patch of the Alaskan wilderness, as the people who actually live there have been begging us to do for decades. Like all the other Democrats, Gephardt voted against the Teamsters � but with Barbra Streisand � to oppose drilling in the godforsaken Alaskan wilderness."

posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 07:54 PM
Astrocreep, we are not out of touch with Ted, he is out of touch with most all of the nation. Ted and his small following is out of touch.
The only thing he is in touch with is Booze, young broads and burgers.

posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Ra

This makes sense if you look at who has recieved the most votes in these primaries!

I really, really don't see this happening seeing as how Kerry and Dean hate each other... Or at least don't get along.

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Astrocreep, we are not out of touch with Ted, he is out of touch with most all of the nation. Ted and his small following is out of touch.
The only thing he is in touch with is Booze, young broads and burgers.

Hmm. Maybe I'm not so out of touch with him after all..

Just kidding, I think you're right on with that observation.

I also think you make a good point about the way Gephardt voted on those two topics. I like Gephardt and what his core values are. My big problem with our national democrat representation is the selling out of our ideology to follow the ultra social sqeaky wheel. I still support my local democrat party which would seem very conservative to the California or New York democrats. Most are private business owners, love marksmanship and live by the second ammendment, and strongly favor the traditional family values. Most did billify Bush on the tax cuts but never personally refused it. These are the southern dems Rant was originally worried about.

Looking down the road, I see even more division in the party because the lifelong dems I know think we should have backed up the barges to Iraq and loaded free oil out of there until we paid the bill for the war and are upset at Bush for making the taxpayer fund the damn thing..even though we wanted Saddam dealt and are glad is ass is now grass.

We think there should be more domestic oil exploration and a lot would go up to Alaska to work seasonally if it were availible. We blame Bush for buddying up the Saudis but realize that its our own party standing in the way of the first step to telling those bastards to take their oil and stick it!

Why the hell have we got Alaska if not for the oil? Of course its beautiful and I'd like to see it stay that way and I don't think isolated drilling would destroy that. Look at my neck of the woods. Mountain tops strip mined. Sure people say they are a scar on the landscape but once reclaimed, they make beautiful grasslands and our native Elk have been reintroduced and are thriving. These grasslands are as much if not more beneficial to the flora and fauna than a forest, which we still have in abundance.

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 02:13 PM
I'm with you. The democratic party was hijacked several years ago, and is not the party to which my family used to subscribe.
The frontrunner for the nomination now, Kerry, cracks me up. The man who is the poster boy for a life of privilege, is going to go after those who lead a life of privilege? Anyway, since when is it immoral in this nation to pursue a life of privilege, as long as you earn it? Personally, I wouldn't call courting wealthy women earning it. Well, maybe...

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 07:26 PM
Anyone watching the end of the SC debate closely?

The candidates kind of circled around Kerry shaking hands, except Dean and Edwards.

Edwards crossed the stage alone and shook Dean's hand, and for a moment the camera caught a close up... Edwards was mouthing "Call me. Call me."

That may be nothing, or could be HUGE.

Dean/Edwards??? Probably just coordinating attacks on KerBot.

I also just heard Dean's ex campaign manager driving home in a phone interview with Debrah Norville after "not getting fired." Man, for not getting fired he was sure crying like a baby... seriously. Crying.

[Edited on 29-1-2004 by RANT]

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by RANT
Anyone watching the end of the SC debate closely?

The candidates kind of circled around Kerry shaking hands, except Dean and Edwards.

Edwards crossed the stage alone and shook Dean's hand, and for a moment the camera caught a close up... Edwards was mouthing "Call me. Call me."

That may be nothing, or could be HUGE.


Crap I missed the debate!!!!! Wow, sounds interesting, good observation RANT.

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