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Alex Jones' ENDGAME just released on GVID!!

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posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
I really don't have the energy for this right now.. I will comeback tonight and wrap it up.

The odds of your 'wrapping up' anything is remote so take a day or two and evaluate my points or do additional research.

From what I've read, I still think you're motivated by another man's speculation,

Sure i am motivated but what has led you to belief that i have only read Alex Jones? Why do you think Alex Jones is the primary motivator for my beliefs/statements?

and I'm going to hurt your feelings when I get into population control, I'm sure

Not nearly as much as you will hurt your credibility and standing in the human community.

Thanks for taking the time out to so diligently answer every question. Discussion like this can only produce knowledge for everyone who reads it.

I answer this dilligently in about 95%( not exact but feel free to check
) of cases as my post history will quickly reveal... Discussion can not 'produce' knowledge but it does help to make formerly unknown information available while enabling the process of disagreeing over whatever is, or will soon be, in evidence.

See you around 9 or 10 mountain standard. Bring your pacifier....... Jokes.

Take your time as i have all year and probably a few after that.


posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by subject x

I only watched a bit. I may have downloaded it and saw/hear the entire
video as I worked the net.

I got some sort of a avi file and went to make a DVD but that
seemed to end too soon. I think an A bomb was going off.
I mean, I never saw any ending credits.

So I never watched it again to check.

I can process the avi better for a DVD but a video getting close to
2 hours long can't be burned.

These free videos are made longer than burners can handle for a reason.
So I'm looking for a file splitter to chop off Alex Jones' introduction.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:40 PM

Watch the Endgame as an avi file on your computer, rather than streaming with Google. Must download all 10 files - WinRAR will put all the pieces back togther into one file.



Of course, replace the asterisk with and "r" in the links.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 08:09 AM
Alex Jones is a fruitcake. He makes massive leaps of faith, cherry-picks evidence, and seems to love bathing in hyperbole and drowning in victimhood.

I like some of what he has to say, but then there's much more he says that I really don't like.

A global government is nothing to be scared of per se, it's the form it takes that is dangerous. And guess what - that goes the same for every form of government, from father to chieftain to king to emperor. They're not intrinsically flawed, it's how they're created that causes problems.

Sovereignty is a myth - it's a construct used to make "them" and "us".

[edit on 13-11-2007 by dave420]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by dave420
Alex Jones is a fruitcake.

What does the word 'fruitcake' mean to you?

He makes massive leaps of faith, cherry-picks evidence, and seems to love bathing in hyperbole and drowning in victimhood.

If one does not look at or understand the evidential basis he works from ( by actually studying it) it would sure seem that way and i have yet to find a person who is objective enough not to indulge in finding facts to suit a particular bias. As to the hyperbole his still young and i am hoping he gets over it before he becomes one of the very real victims of this corporate world order.

I like some of what he has to say, but then there's much more he says that I really don't like.

Until you reach the maturity to investigate and consider the information you don't 'like' you should refrain from judging people...

A global government is nothing to be scared of per se, it's the form it takes that is dangerous.

Why do you think a global government is nothing to be scared of when historically centralized power is overwhelmingly abusive?

And guess what - that goes the same for every form of government, from father to chieftain to king to emperor. They're not intrinsically flawed, it's how they're created that causes problems.

A father may beat his children, for some reason, but would get beaten if he tried to beat someone elses kids, a chieftain can probably get away with a few murders and violence against the social outcasts of his given group but what can a kind or a emperor get away with while they have the aid of 'professional' armies to protect them from the wrath of their victims and citizens? The simply fact of the matter is that the further away from neighbourhood level the power moves the more abusive and unresponsive it will become. To equate these various levels of power to each other is to admit that you have not studied history and have no interest in discovering anything remotely 'intrinsic'.

Sovereignty is a myth - it's a construct used to make "them" and "us".

Sovereignty ( self interested action) is what people have fought for since the first person picked up a rock and bashed someone else over the head and however much the uninformed , such as yourself, and the educated mandarin classes tries to tell us differently it does not on the whole seem to working without massive amounts of centralized power and violent terrorism. If a 'obvious truth' must be maintained by such inhuman methods i think we should all begin to wonder just how natural such power is or if people would resist it so persistently at such cost without knowing better and wanting that sovereignty.


posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 07:21 PM
Just happened on the file and jumped into the middle and
you get a good history of bad things that can happen.

Not the these stories haven't been told before but perhaps it will
save some lives that won't get caught up in some elite science

But all science is elite science so best not go there with them.

Found another DL site although I must have used the first posted.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 12:19 AM
StellarX I enjoy your meaningful thoughts, but it's almost easier to train a monkey how to use an AK than argue with these people that will eventually be phased out because of their "logic" if all of this is true. A free healthy mind will be able see purity in peoples statements. Leaving sheep to follow sheep, Ox to follow oxens, and wolves to follow other wolves.

debate on my statements if you'd like.

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 12:28 PM
Fool Me Twice

Better than Alex Jones...but ends up with Charlie.
Fully web documented.
Still how do noodnicks get a hold of complex explosives.

A mini nuke tested in Bali seems to be the implication.

But has an Alex Jones section with bad boy LBJ and the USS Liberty with
dancing Israeli warships, attack aircraft and torpedoes, napalm and
what not going off.. not actual footage and not all the Alex Jones had in TerrorStorm.
Terror by the state of the politics seems to be the big picture.

Terror by experts to hold powers no one cares about.
Is seem out of place for either side to bomb unless to blame the
other side. If a peaceful takeover seems to be occurring, then
make them seem violent and come down with counter violence
or laws.

Hitler had bombs for a reason ... still a mystery.
Hitler is still dancing and popular with the girls on youtube,
who is doing this.

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