posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 06:01 PM
There are a number of takes on what could cause zombie condition.
Firstly, the rabies virus is very similar to the rage virus from 28 days later, as it heightens aggression, and yes, causes the infected to bite
others in an attempt to spread the contagion (remember that it's bloodborne, ie passed on through bodily fluids). Unlike the rage virus, rabies kills
the host within days of symptoms showing, although it can be carried for up to a year beforehand. A mutation of this virus could lead to an outbreak
similar to the aforementioned movie!!
Secondly, the belief is that a zombie virus would reanimate the brain. However, as some people have stated, this alone would not allow the body to
move. For a corpse to "come back to life" the virus would, at the very least, need to take control of the nervous system, simulating the electronic
impulses required to move the body's muscles. Contrary to popular belief, muscles don't need oxygen to move, just to remain healthy. Pass an electric
current through dead muscle and it can contract as though still alive. This would also lead to the traditional slow moving undead, as there would not
be enough energy generated to allow the resurrected cadaver to run. Fortunately, this would require a highly evolved virus or possibly some form of
parasite which don't really exist in nature(unless you count the fungus that infects ants and takes control of their brains in order to spread their