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Embedded Anomalies.

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posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by kerkinana walsky

we live on a planet that is 4/5 water and I am amazed that people go "oooh wow" when they discover that lots of people have a story about flooding. Even so compared to the amount of Ethnic groups on earth there are flood stories in about 20% of them, not the 100% you would expect if the Bible were even close to being correct. and if the Bible were correct the stories would all be the same and they aren't.

Actually,nearly every known culture in the world has a flood myth!
The obvious and most likely reason would be the ice caps gradually melting.Large amounts of fossilised shells and sea crustations have been found on mountains and in deserts that are miles from any sea or ocean,if you looked at some of the anomalie web sites i posted near the start of this thread you would know that.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 07:05 AM
Most flood myths are based on freshwater floods caused by the overflow of rivers. Often time this is caused by rain that effects the watershed area and is not observed by the people who get flooded out.

As Talk Origin says:

Flood myths are widespread, but they are not all the same myth. They differ in many important aspects, including

reasons for the flood. (Most do not give a reason.)

who survived. (Almost none have only a family of eight surviving.)

what they took with them. (Very few saved samples of all life.)

how they survived. (In about half the myths, people escaped to high ground; some flood myths have no survivors.)

what they did afterwards. (Few feature any kind of sacrifice after the flood.)

If the world's flood myths arose from a common source, then we would expect evidence of common descent. An analysis of their similarities and differences should show either a branching tree such as the evolutionary tree of life, or, if the original biblical myth was preserved unchanged, the differences should be greater the further one gets from Babylon. Neither pattern matches the evidence.

Flood myths are best explained by repeated independent origins with some local spread and some spread by missionaries. The biblical flood myth in particular has close parallels only to other myths from the same region, with which it probably shares a common source, and to versions spread to other cultures by missionaries (Isaak 2002).

Flood myths are likely common because floods are common; the commonness of the myth in no way implies a global flood. Myths about snakes are even more common than myths about floods, but that does not mean there was once one snake surrounding the entire earth.

Flood myths common in the world

The shells are not from floods but from ancient seabeds uplifted by tectonic forces.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Hanslune

We know there have been floods on a global scale.Its a natural knock on effect from the ice caps melting,its happening even now and the start of it dates back to the last ice age.The second the ice started to melt,our seas have been rising.

Flood myths are best explained by repeated independent origins with some local spread and some spread by missionaries. The biblical flood myth in particular has close parallels only to other myths from the same region, with which it probably shares a common source, and to versions spread to other cultures by missionaries (Isaak 2002).

Many of the 100's of flood myths that exist around the world pre-date the bible by 1000's of years,they also pre-date christian missionaries by 1000's of years! Immanuel Velikovsky has wrote about this topic,he's worth having a look at.

The problem with the word flood is the imagery we get.We think of raging waters and total destruction.But what happens once the violence stops and the water has nowhere to go because the ice caps have melted? It settles.And once it settles life carry's on.(until the ice starts to freeze again.)
So in that period of settled waters,mountains and deserts that have been effected will have sea life growing in them,on them and around them.

[edit on 3-11-2007 by jakyll]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 07:39 AM
There is some irony in the fact that YECs cite the presence of marine fossils embedded in rock far inland or on mountains as evidence of a global flood - and some flood myths are 'just so' stories invented long ago to explain the presence of those marine fossils embedded in rock far inland or on mountains ....

As for the number of flood myths around the world - how many parts of the globe have not been hit by catastrophic floods this year? Imagine the same year but with all of us living simple early farming or hunter gatherer lifestyles. Think of the number of new flood myths that would have arising during 2007 alone .... After all, folk do like telling stories ....

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Essan
After all, folk do like telling stories ....

There are no new stories, there are just old stories retold

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 08:44 AM
Or old stories embellished to make them more relevant to the time and place in which they are being retold

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 09:01 AM
i think the version I posted is catchier
Harte linked me to a site that has it as its banner heading

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by kerkinana walsky

There are no new stories, there are just old stories retold

Very true.
But over time some of those stories turn from fact to fiction.
The root meaning of lore and myth is a story based heavily on truth,but in the modern world lore has changed to folklore and myth has become the standered meaning of something that just isn't true.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Essan

The oldest Bristlecones are 4,000 years old, and we have a continuous dendrochronological record from them going back 9,000 years.

Essan et al.

When I mentioned that denrochronology extends almost as far back as C14 can go I meant it.

Examples people have given since my post stating this all involved single plants that are very old.

The fact is, ancient lumber has been matched with corresponding rings on trees or tree products (logs) that overlapped in age from tens of thousands of years ago to the present day.

It's actually quite an accomplishment, and it hasn't been done worldwide or anything, but it has been done enough to investigate the accuracy of C14 and to aid in the calibration of ther dates give by that sort of analysis.

Rings in trees are laid down in precise patterns that are largely determined by the climate of that particular year. If a series of rings on the outer part of a log can be matched to a series of rings on the inner part of a newer log, then you have two log's worth of records, not one.

Multiply this by thousands of overlapping time periods and you get the result we have arrived at today.

Like I said, since the ring pattern depends on climate, tree rings traced back over 20,000 years in Europe won't tell you much about tree rings you find in ancient wood products from Bolivia.

But, you can bet that the atmospheric C14 creation rate 20,000 years ago was the same over Europe as it was over Bolivia. So if you can calibrate C14 using tree ring data in Europe, you've calibrated it for the entire world, no matter where the site is.


posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Harte

There are possible problems with the whole C14 theory though.
I found the below link useful.Its a Creationists view of science,but don't let that put you off!

The guy is a Scientist who believes in Creation.

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