posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 04:20 PM
Now, I know I haven't been a member for long. This is actually my first thread. I have a question about the flag system. Just like Digg, you have the
choice to flag a thread that you deem worthy of a notice by other members to follow up on. Good. However, this seems a little one sided. You, as a
member, can approve or abstain. Take for example the thread in the Alien section entitled "If you had one question to ask an alien, blah, blah"
which has the OP and others constantly replying "one liners", duplicating posts, using TXT abbreviations, been warned about it, has nothing to do
about conspiracies etc, etc, etc...
Now I find the thread useless, childish and a waste of my reading time. Yet there are some flags attached to it, probably coming from his classroom
little buddies.
Now could a "thumbs up" "thumbs down" flag system be easily implemented? Nov 5th is coming. We'll receive a lot of new members starting threads
left, right and center. Could a "minus ten flags and you're gone" system be implemented?
Just a suggestion