from the school of FAUX NEWS/ENTERTAINMENT!
The right wing NY Post does not like Franken.For example, check out this gem:
Now, the above article COULD be true,but considering the Post has a reputation as being very tabloid-esque,I question it.(however, if another news
source reports the same thing, I'll give in give them some credit)but for now its just what it is "GOSSIP"
Heres the REAL article as posted by CNN.
As you see, theres a difference in the reporting.The Post puts a little Dramatic flare into it. Matt Drudge is running the story + Newsmax(which I
believe is competing with "The Onion")
heres the NEwsmax story:
I love their Dramatic title, 'Wildman Franken'.
Funny how NO ONE ELSE dares print this because AL is the type to make trouble for those who lie.
Like Bill O'Lielly w/his childish lawsuit(which actually helped Al sell more copies of his book than even AL imagined,.....Thanks Bill)this will only
help AL.Can not wait til AL gets his radio show so he can call all these lairs head on & then make fun of them.
By the way, their reporting theres even video footage of what really happened.
SO, this story is all wrong.
It was actually a Larouche supporter disrupting a Dean event.(lie #1)
Al didn't tackle him (lie #2)
Al actually helped security remove him. Just watch, there will be no correction by the Post on this at all. They'll just pretend it never happened &
that they didn't write about this. Typical!
By the way, wouldn't it be kind of embarassing to say you got your a$$ kicked by Staurt Smalley?
[Edited on 27-1-2004 by romantico]