posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 04:15 AM
Ok so this is the first time I have brought this up, for fear of being labeled crazy or something else. A very long time ago when I was probably six
I had a sighting of a ufo (wont go into it different forum). But the thing is, ever since I had that sighting I have had, lets say visions of things
that were or are going to happen. Now most of the time I shrugged these things off thinking that I had to be dreaming them, but then something
different happened. My aunt passed away a few months ago, now what happened really gets to me still. A couple of days before she passed I was
dreaming at least I think I was, I remember that I saw an ambulance and one police vehicle outside of the house she was staying at and saw her lets
say passed away on the couch.
Then I awoke, but the next day I was walking to the spare room, saw my aunt standing in the kitchen looking outside and I figured she was waiting for
my mom. But then I realized she has never been in our house. The day after she passed away just like in my dream. Please what is happening with me, I
am also having a few other strange occurances get into that later.