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Control Through Apathy - Is Your Need to Care Under Attack?

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posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 05:10 PM
Why have we all become so apathetic?

Plenty of us talk as if we care. We rant and rave on a near constant basis about our money losing it's value, what idiot is in the White House and our rights being taken from us.

Yet, we do NOTHING about it.

Most of us go to work, bitch a bit about this, that and the other thing and then come home and plop ourselves in front of the tube until it's time to hit the sack. We want things to change, but can't seem to find the time to get out and try to change them ourselves.

Now, don't get me wrong fellow ATS'ers. I am well aware that many of us here DO INDEED get out there and try to wake people up and initiate a change. However, the average Joe Schmoe bitches just as much as we do but seems to find catching Survivor (or whatever mind numbing reality show they subscribe to) more important than changing things that effect their day to day lives and the lives of their families.

After 9/11, we were told to keep shopping and keep watching television and that's exactly what we did. Have we really become such mindless sheep that all that can hold our attention for longer than 5 minutes is some pathetic television show???

Have any of you guys been talking to one of your friends about the problems in the world, and when you got into something like 9/11 and the Inside Job they made a comment along the lines of, "Stop, I don't wanna know about it, it'll just piss me off."? I don't know about you guys, but I've heard that on more than one occasion.

Don't we have a JOB in this country to get pissed off about things that are against what our country is SUPPOSED to stand for?

I swear, I think more people in this country would get pissed off when learning about their cable rate going up than the would if you sat them down and explained where their tax dollars REALLY go. What the heck does that say about the future of our country?

I'm very very worried about the path we are heading down in this country and in the world and I know a lot of you guys are also.

My question is, what can we do about it? Will it really take something along the lines of a MASSIVE 9/11 to actually wake the people in this country up?

Hell, our dollar is virtually worthless (technically, it IS and HAS BEEN worthless). Our taxation is ridiculous and we see absolutely ZERO benefit from it. A small group of BANKERS control the world financially. 80% of the country is living in debt with no means to climb out of the hole. We are on the verge of a PLANNED World War III for no other reason than to keep the rich and powerful rich and powerful. We are told (by the media) that we must remain in a constant state of fear from "terrorists" when WE are in THEIR country for no good reason. A plan is in place to TOTALLY obliterate our country and our constitution by erasing our borders and establishing our own little version of the European Union.

Yet, most Americans would be more angry if they were to cancel American Idol.

Am I the only one that finds that thought DISGUSTING?

We all worry about a junkie (Anna Nicole Smith) od'ing herself when she lives a far better life than most of us could ever hope to live. We wonder what rehab Britney is checking into this week or who has her kids for the month. A character in a child's book being "outed" as homosexual MAKES THE FREAKING NATIONAL NEWS FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!

I'm sorry if I offend anyone by saying this but, DUMBLEDORE BEING GAY IS NOT AS IMPORTANT AS BUSH TALKING WORLD WAR III!!!!!

But it sadly catches the general American publics' attention moreso than the possibility of World War III.


Is this hypnotic apathy that most of the country is under the result of a long term conspiracy to MAKE us all sheep? Or are we simply fulfilling the ONLY THING that could have come from our growing laziness and dependence on television? Are things working out exactly as planned???

I just don't know. I can't imagine why in the world anyone would care so much about a freaking character out of Harry Potter or the billionaire granddaughter of some hotel mogul when we are on the verge of a global (likely nuclear) war.

What would our predecessors think if they could see us now? Those people who would revolt over taxation they felt was unfair?

What in the world has happened to us? Is there any saving us, or are we a lost cause just waiting for Orwell's "prediction" to come full circle?

I just don't know what to think anymore about all this apathy. It disgusts me to no end and I find myself PRAYING for a revolution, if for no other reason than to see that my fellow countrymen still CARE about this country.

Apathy is killing us all and it's about time we do something about it.

Or is it all just in my head?

Is there any validity to this "conspiracy theory"? Have we all really been set up for decades to destroy our will to care about the things that really matter?

Is there any hope?


posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 05:43 PM
My Opinion

Apathy isn't killing us!!!! Caring is!!!!

With apathy you dont care about all the crap and you see what's really

happening as with caring about stuff you have blinders on seeing only your

point of view.

Now caring is fun when you are bored and feel like arguing but if you begin

caring all the time then you may choose to care about the wrong things like

the latest reality show etc.

thats my opinion

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Miishgoos

I agree and disagree.

First off, that's a very interesting way to look at things. Definitely made me think.

Perhaps you are right and it is a combination of both (if that's what you were saying.)

We care to little about what we SHOULD care about and too much about what we shouldn't.

Either way, that's the truth.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 05:59 PM
Once again, not an issue that's neither black nor white. I think apathy as a whole is definitely an everyday reality and very well might have been before we were old enough to realize it. I don't just see it on a national level but a local one. People don't care about one another anymore. You rarely see a helping hand given to anyone these days but at the same time you have groups like the ACLU defending child molesters. Definitely a broad subject. Apathy is just as bad as being overly concerned about the prosperity and regard of everybody individually.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by DeadFlagBlues

The ACLU is a topic that I don't see discussed often around here at ol' ATS. It's a shame really since it needs to be. You are right what you say in their regard.

However, I think the touchy feely "i love you, you love me and we are all just a bunch of special people" thing is just something else to get our minds off of the bigger issues.

It's not in our nature to remain "nice" to each other and to coexist peacefully. However, there are times when we must band together for the greater good and that's what is NOT happening now, when it needs to happen.


posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by SimiusDei

Well, I don't think anyone here said anything about being "touchy, feely." Haha..

Just driving, you'll see someone with a blown out tire on the freeway with cars whistling past and nobody stops to help. Not even the police, you know? As much as I'm a jerk, ass*, womanizing bastard, I always try and contribute to little things like that every single day. It's important for the fabric of society. To know that random people will help you out with whatever your issue may be. I think the mindset of only "banding together" when necessary is the actual downfall of our society. There's not enough interaction with those around you, creating a "me against them" mentality after so long.

And because it's not in our "nature" (which I don't think is true because human beings aren't exactly isolationists and from time have banded together in tribes in way way or another.) doesn't mean shouldn't oppose our simple nature. The minute we stand in opposition of what comes naturally, will be the very instance we make progress.

Personal story... I hit people. It's what I've done ever since I was a young teen. If someone deserved to get hit, they were getting it. Even a few weeks ago, I was cut off in traffic and then flipped off like it was my fault. I'm a ridiculously courteous driver, so I take offense. I wanted to tell them to pull over so bad and ruin this guys day but I thought to myself "why?" I was driving past him and gave him a wave and it looked like he just regreted what he had done. He waved back and I kept driving. I denied my inherent nature to smash this guy up and it was like 1000 pounds being lifted off my conscience. I think the more we go against the grain of our natural emotions(nature), the more we help ourselves and our progression as a species.

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