posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Jonna
Seems like a new low in America to me.
Oh come on!
If there was a "
Chip N Dales Dancers" athletic event, how many of you females would find that, low?
Personally, I am under the impression that society has allowed itself to suppress things normal, as abnormal. Maybe my nudist side is comeing out...I
don't know.
What I do know is that, until people stop killing each other. The least we have to worry about is a bunch of people doing something none violent,
How is this worse than the highschool foot ball team, running around as cheerleaders, now that should be considered "low". Unusual treatment if you
ask me, no one did though, not that my opinion matters. As we all have preconcieved notions of whats right or wrong.
Not that I'm saying everyone should run around naked, acting all happy joy joy. But if everyone was buisy doing just that, I guarantee not even one
quarter of todays problems would exist. How would they?
[Edited on 27-1-2004 by ADVISOR]