posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Just a couple of cents here:
IMHO, ALL of the news networks are quite conspicuously biased - especially the cable channels (CNN, FOX, CNBC, etc.). Not one of them is less or more
so than the other - it simply depends on your own political and cultural persuasion whether you accept their version of the "news" or not. CNN/FOX
in particular have forever provided me with a permanent front-row seat "on the fence". Vote your conscience... not the agenda of some talking head
following scripted propaganda. Better yet - turn off the TV and read...
BTW; You think FOX or CNN are bad? Try watching/listening to "news" in China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, etc. Talk about a
'slant' to the broadcasts! I've traveled extensively around the world on business spent many a boring night in a dreary hotel room watching
local/regional "news".
Lately, I've been carrying my SW radio and tuning in to the BBC's world news broadcast. Not perfect, I admit - but still better than the Al
Jazeera stuff out there.
Count your blessings, folks. We can do a lot worse than leftist-CNN/rightist-FOX. At least our hot anchor-ladies are tolerable to look at while
they're toeing the party, er, network line...
[edit on 10/25/2007 by Outrageo]