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Possible anomaly in the Smoke of the Fires

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posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 08:40 AM
Ok so this may or may not be a far reach for something that caught my eye in a video of the fire. It's probably nothing at all but it just looks like something, so I wanted to ask you all since you have prooven time and time again you are all amazing at detecting B.S. so have a look for me and tell me if you see what I saw. If it is just coincedence or perhaps a sign.

California Wild Fires

At the 00:08 seconds in pause it, look to the mid right top portion of the video. Using the lamp post as a meridian follow through to the top. So now you should be looking to the right of the post, above the black car with the person in the door, and to the left of the "CNN i Report" Symbol. Does anyone see what I am speaking of. I won't say what it is just yet, but once I get a few responses I'll tell you what I see. It is in the smoke most definitely.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 08:51 AM
That flash of light that looks like the sun, but it moved in and out of the screen quickly? It is such a poor quality video that it is tough for me to tell.


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