posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 12:25 AM
Do you listen to the show?? Just curious if you believe any of the stuff that is talked about on it, or if you have an interest in the show to listen
to it in the first place?
Personally I find it entertaining and that's about it. There may be a thing or two on the show that catches my interest but that's even a stretch.
I have to admit that Art Bell was great in my opinion, but really it has been lackluster since those days.
Regarding Mr. Lear, well I have tried to have conversations a number of times with him here and I assume he just must be too busy, and understanably
so. He is a great talent of a man and I respect him greatly for the aeronautical feats. I am a former Navy aviator and can attest to the name Lear
and what achievements they have acquired...honestly, very talented and gifted and brave men. Now, some of the theories he has...who can really say
without proof either way. Choose to believe or don't but it really is left to you, to listen to or not. It's no different than anything else in
this great country, as you have accurately described it.
I also feel that there are negative things happening to our society...but C2C and theories that may or may not be true are not among the serious
problems that we may have. Again, this is just my opinion and response to your post. I respect your thoughts and agree to some suggestion
though, is to offer your thoughts to the original post. However, I do understand frustrations can build over time.
John has been around and I have no doubt that he has access to lots of info that most people do not.....not to say it's true or not, but it's not
like he's a guy without the credentials or in-the-know!?
Anyway, peace...let's see what happens next!?
[edit on 23-10-2007 by Mondogiwa]