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Chicago Police Executes Man On Video No Charges

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posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by WeAreOne
reply to post by Blaine91555


Well done Blaine91555
for catching that second guy in the vid with the gun,

It wasn't a gun

You don't know that either of them was a bad guy.

Just because someone has a gun doesn't make them right. (especially when their not in a uniform)

It's not self defense when you're the antagonist.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by six
reply to post by eyewitness86

"First I dont like the way you throw "pigs" out there. "

Too bad..cops who violate rights deserve a perjorative nomenclature.

" They do have a system for bad cops. It is called the judicial system . Last I read this cop was not prosecuted by the judicial system, so just how did the judicial system let you down? "

Umm, if the murdering cop was not dealt with by the ' judicial system ' then you have proved the point: The system CANNOT be trusted to protect us, as they side with the cops all the time. Cops are investigated by the OTHER COPS and as usual they find no problem with cop's killing us without cause. They stick up for each other even if they are wrong. So if the police dept. does not do anything, and the system does not do anything, what is left? What I propose.

" Cops DO know that if they kill someone that there are consequences. There are VERY SERIOUS people who DO look into such matters. Speaking without knowledge of a subject you are guilty of."

Sure there are consequences: they have to write a report. The VERY SERIOUS people you mention are WHOM? The other cops doing the investigation!! His pals and buddies. And what is the likley outcome? The cops gets off!! The people who are very serious are serious ONLY about covering the cop's ass, the dept.'s ass, and their own, thats all. Justice means nothing when it comes to protecting one of their own. So much for consequences.

" Have you ever been on a ride along? Do you actually KNOW what they go through every day they work? "

I was raised in a cop family, have ridden along MANY times and was in the secirity business for many years in a major city. I have seen it all firsthand. My Dad was a cop for 35 years, uncle the Chief, cousin the FBI, etc. I have seen the good cops and the bad ones..and almost ALL cops will lie and perjure themselves to make a case, and they will protect each other from ' civilians'. So yeah, I know what I am talking about pal.

" So basically you are advocating anarchy. That all cops are bad, and just capping a few will scare the minutest minority of all cops into submission. Some America you want."

No, I am NOT advocating anarchy, no way. I am saying that if a cop murders one of us and the system fails us and the cop gets a pass and is free to ill again, it behooves us as a society to insure that a failed system does not allow for more murder and abuse of civilians. I am saying that it would be EFFECTIVE in a way not matched by any others if cop's were to be dealt with on the same basis as they dish out, force for force, and eye for an eye. The system is NOT equipped to stop bad cops, and so if there were a group that reviewed every police killing and in the FEW cases where the system failed, like in the video and case in point, and the killer cop was let off totally, real justice could be achieved and other cops would think twice about a wanton murder of a citizen.

Since the system is PROVEN to be totally inadequate to the task, perhaps a squad of people with the ability to extract justice on a scale commensurate with the crimes of the cop's would be most effective. If a cop KNEW that if he killed a citizen without cause, and the system failed to do anything, like in this case, that he would be judged and dealt with in a way that mirrored his own standards, he would be very hesitant to employ uneeded force and kill us without cause. What else works? Nothing.

Lawsuits do not work except in rare casesd, and police departments are NOTORIOUS for hiding evidence and letting bad cops get off scot free. So ONLY the threat of DIRECT ACTION will make any real difference in the minds of a brutal and murdering cop. They need to have something to make them afraid of killing us casually, and I can think of nothing better than a justice sqquad that evens the score and keeps the cops polite and respecting our lives and rights. just a thought....!!

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 06:29 PM
I will say it again to all those who still think the guy who was murdered had a gun. Read the articals and watch the video again.
No weapons were found on the guy. He is holding the jacket from the top neck area where most jackets have a loop to hang it up. Also I dont believe it is abnormal for people to carry jackets that way when they may have change or or something in the pockets that they dont want to fall out. This jacket belonged to his friend and he was probablly making sure nothing fell out. I am sure that the police searched the jacket to see if there were any weapons or drugs in the jacket to. Again, No weapons were found...

The other thing that angers me is when I see statements like these:
"American cops operate zero tolerance so it’s simple, don’t mess with them." - WeAreOne

"Zero tolerance mean exactly that just shut up and do what they ask and they have no reason to shoot or arrest you." - WeAreOne

Do you think that this may be part of the problem today?
I am not saying that you should disrespect the police by any means. What I am saying is this is not a good policy for doing police work. This is a lazy and streamlined way for doing police work. It is unconstitutional because it violates the right of due process. You are guilty because the police officer shows up and there is a zero tolerance policy. If you try to explain anything to the police officer, they (the Police) can say that you are resisting arrest, or charge you with disorderly conduct and in some cases make things up. Either way you lose and are forced to spend money defending yourself in court when you may be totally inocent. I see it happen all the time. Now you add to the mix dirty, angry, stressed out police you have a bigger problem. I am sorry but most people get stressed out and angry at their jobs from time to time. This is nothing new. The difference is that most people don't carry weapons to their jobs and have to deal with angry people and criminals. Police are held to a higher standard than most people because they are considered better than average citizens. IMO most police are not better than average citizens. I believe a greater number of bullies are drawn to do the police line of work then good decent individuals. This is probably why Zero tolerance policies get adopted so fast by police departments due to the lack of empathetic and conscience possessing personel. This is why police say these types of statments (above) and continue to rule people with brute force. I guess when everyone is considered a potential criminal by the police, they don't have to have a open mind about the situation; just decide how much force is needed in the arrest and if they get to use their killer toys. Zero tolerance policys are police state policy.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 09:22 AM
I have ZERO TOLERANCE for bad cops. Zero tolerance for violations of my Constitutional Rights, zero tolerance for police abuse and police murder. Who are the cop's to have zero tolerance about ANYTHING?

The police are supposed to be servants and protectors, not some bullying monsters that have absolute power over us. No way. It is time that we took the halo's and nice guy badges off of these killer pigs and treated them like they treat us. An eye for an eye.A civilian dies by police murder, and a cop dies as a result. tit for tat. Thats the ONLY way to wake up the killer cop's and make them think twice about murdering us.

We are about to enter an era of open warfare against the civilian populations and if we are not ready they will turn us into either sheep being led to slaughter or snitches and semi-cop's reporting on their neighbors. By the way, snitched deserve the same that bad cop's deserve: No mercy and direct action when needed.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 03:49 PM
I remember seeing this video about Six Months ago (not on ATS). This is a really blatant example of Police Corruption and Abuse of Power. Many jurisdictions have these problems, however it seems that in recent years Chicago is having these incidents occuring more frequently. Fortunately, Chicago has caught many of these incidents on surveillance cameras placed around the city. That in of itself is one plus side to have surveillance cameras everywhere as they do in England, you can capture Police Abuse just as easily as you can catch robberies, muggings, and murders.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by twitchy

Originally posted by Brother Stormhammer
Try reading what I wrote, and not what you want to see.

Nowhere in my post did I indicate that I considered the shooting 'justifiable'. I'm simply pointing out that while it isn't justifiable, it's also not murder (which would have required intent) nor is it an 'abuse of power'

Intent? Maybe he accidentally shot the guy in the head. Happens all the time unintentionally I'm sure.
Abuse of power? Maybe cops all have the right to shoot people in the head for what looks like nothing more than a simple assault, but, come on, he obviously intended to shoot the guy, and that's second degree murder where I'm from. How is that not an abuse of power? He was a cop, he shot an unarmed man in the head and killed him. It's not ok.

Let me try this again...I can't use shorter words, so I'm not sure how I can make this clearer, but I'll try. Nowhere in any of my posts here have I said that what that police officer did was "okay". Quite the opposite.

As for intent, the officer didn't (as far as we know) get up in the morning and say to himself "I'm going to shoot somebody today". Had he done so, or ahd he planned this little 'hit' in advance, or even walked into the building with the intent to do violence, then a murder charge would be in order. Since he got up, headed to work, and suddenly found himself in a tactical situation, you'd have a hard time proving intent to kill, or even intent to harm, unless you want to advance the argument that carrying a gun constitutes prior intent to do harm...not an easy sell. What you might be able to get would be a low-order manslaughter charge, and you could almost certainly win a civil judgment of 'wrongful death'.

As for 'abuse of power', that would come into play if he'd simply been able to flash his badge and walk away from the shooting..."I'm a cop, so you can't do anything to me". The fact that the case went through a review (and will probably wind up in civil court, even if it doesn't wind up in criminal) pretty well proves that it wasn't an abuse of power, even if we don't like the verdict or ruling the system comes back with.

Personally, if I were the God-Emperor and one of my Legion of Storm Troopers (tm) pulled a stunt like that, he'd be an Ex-Storm Trooper before sunset, and probably facing a manslaughter charge within a week (You have to get the lawyers away from the golf course, and that takes time!).

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by Brother Stormhammer
What we have here isn't murder, folks, and it's not, despite what you might think, "an abuse of power". What we have here is a cop who, to coin a phrase, screwed up by the numbers.

He went into a tactical situation without any of the basics. He dropped the bag with his kit in it (in itself, an understandable event), which left him out of uniform and without a badge (thus removing his authority), and without his pepper spray (a non-lethal way to break up a fight, despite what your sinus cavities will tell you).

He was outnumbered at short range. Either one of those is bad, the combination of the two is enough to make Harry Callahan sweat. Once he put himself in that tactical position, it's fairly easy to see (at least from his point of view) how things went from Very Bad to Catastrophically Worse. While we, sitting calmly at our computer monitors, can see that there isn't a real threat, he sees two men who obviously know each other, and appear to be acting in concert. One of the men has a jacket held in such a way as to hide his hands. Jacket-holder starts to move, and nervous cop in bad situation jumps to the (not always unfounded) conclusion that there's a gun under there, and acts accordingly.

What he did was wrong on a variety of levels, but it wasn't abuse of power, nor was it murder. It was massive mis-handling of a tactical situation combined with a panic response. I'm not excusing him....far from it...but this wasn't a cold-blooded, random execution. It was an A-Z cluster(bleep) of cosmic proportions. Nothing more, nothing less.

Still, negligent homicide.

If he gets off scott free, somebody better catch him with his hand in his jacket.…

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:41 PM
video no longer available.

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