posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 02:24 AM
Hey all.
I'm sure many of you are aware by now - That NASA have been installing 'Ion Engines' into most of their latest satellites. There hasn't been any
real Huge Press regarding these Engines, and I am curious as to why, as They're Litteraly - a Completley New, and revolutionary Space-Based
These engines Leak out Plasma Gas, Slowly Propelling the craft from a snails Pace - To Tens Of Thousands of Miles an hour. Apparently Having a
Theoretical Top speed Ten Times faster than that of the Apollo Missions.
A Satellite Launched in August, with these engines, Is now Half-Way bettween Jupiter & Saturn. Making it the fastest Human-Made Object in space. It
has reached there in a little under two months - Whereas With previous systems - It would have taken a year - or even more.
My Point is - Like the Apollo Missions and their modern offspring - The Shuttle (or STS) Missions - Could these Revolutionary propulsion systems be
simply cover stories?
Could this be technology we had decades ago - And that NASA are simply using only now to Get us ready for some time in the near future when they
unveil a 'Breakthrough' in Faster than Light-Speed travel, using Plasma, or Anti-Matter-Based Warp Systems?
What are your Thoughts?