posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 02:25 AM
The U.S. Military machine is being used to implement the Illuminati agenda of One World Gov. (New World Order)....u don't attack a country dumping
the equiv. of 250,000 Nagasaki nukes worth of DU (Depleted Urainium) Dust making the country uninhabitable for 4.5 billion years & everyone there now,
including the 140,000 U.S. soldiers the 'Walking Dead'...because the internal injestion of one particle of DU dust causes the person to get sick or
die 3 to 12 years later...(which makes this very discreet nuke genocide indeed)...just the 'liberate' the people or oil.....the agenda is to destroy
the middle east & approx. 2 billion of the earths pop. (Third)....ALL who have been assessed as not being suitable for the NWO...the 2 thirds that
survive this will more than likely go along with anything, including the mico chip implants for buying & selling (mark of the beast)....the same type
of DU armaments contamination is in Afganistan & where ever the wind blows....full blown nuke warfare is definately on the agenda & will no doubt
speed this whole plan up...the whole official line is crap...& anyone believing it is well & truely sucked in....i will not go into HAARP here & the
ability to use & mess with the weather as a weapon. (which Russia is more advanced with)...but just to say that the global warming excuse is to
benefit the nuke industry which in turn is to contribute to this mass culling.....GB