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Al-Qaeda Target the Premiership

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posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by infinite

I'm just not quite sure what you meant by;

Originally posted by infinite
Oh, the news of the world.

I wouldn't trust them lot, right wing rad for the working class

right wing rad for the working class?

I know plenty of middle class people who read it.
I know plenty of working class people who don't read it.

Why mention working class?

I don't understand it's relevance unless you are trying to insinuate something;
either the working class are right wing or that they are more responsive to alleged innacurate reporting.

Most, if not all, British newspapers have been known to report articles which have been disproven, why just single out The News Of The World?
Is it because it's political leanings are different to yours?
(They are different to mine by the way)

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 04:36 PM
Because that what the news of the world is...

I don't see why you are making an issue of this

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 04:51 PM
I think he might be going off of how his parents used to think of it when 'working class' and 'middle class' were still quite a big issue in society - i'm not saying it isn't anymore but it's generally frowned upon to make that kind of distinction.

The simple fact that it intices speculation and the threat of intimidation seems to suggest that the old vices are still in affect.

Anyway, Murdoch likes to spin up the dross now and again, so i wouldn't be surprised if this was pulled out of some reporter's ass and murdoch slapped a big 'o.k' stamp on it - not to say he doesn't have the resources to pull it out of his own ass.

Back to the point though, i had thought they might be planning something for 2012, just to give added fright to all the 'end of the world' b/s people seem to be focusing on recently (personally i don't think it'll be the apocalypse, but people will probably treat it as one).

I suppose my opinion is only so good as whether i'm for or against the possibility, so i'll give it a 51% that someone might try something, somehow - the current political/social/global climate at the moment is definately pressurizing we mere mortals.

With the amount of people on this planet, a few stray bullets are undoubtedly going to be let loose*.

*I'm insinuating here that this may not even be 'al qaeda' related - it may be a splinter-group or perhaps even 'teh anarchiste bombmakers'; or of course it could be an actual al qaeda attack.

What we haven't seen yet is the true capability of 'home-grown terrorists'.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:04 AM
As if they would be able to pull something off like that
The only way something like that is going to happen is with help from the goverment.....

and after the balls up with 9/11 and the ongoing conspiracy / rumours surrounding that i highly doubt the UK goverment would risk doing it......

I say we call their bluff and say go ahead..... it will never happen

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:31 PM
Wait a minute...

Are you guys saying the governments of the world are planning another 911?

Of course!! It has to be. First those bumbs take down the trade center and now they are attempting to take out stadiums too!!!

How dumb does the government think we are?

Where will this take place? Now, are they going to plant bombs like they did in WTC? and then just use holographic planes?

Who are we going to attack after this stadium blows up? Oh yeah, Iran. they're the only ones left right?

I don't know where this conspiracy is going to begin but lets start the war now. I mean all the stuff is over there, let's just start the draft, and then send another million troops and kill them all!!!!

I mean we already killed what about 800,000 iraqi's right. whats another couple million people?

Sarcasim is intentional!!!

[edit on 17-10-2007 by ProfTom]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 02:39 PM
How would WE the British public react to such an event if it 'did' happen live on TV?

That would probably cause riots, as the thousands between the crazy 'chav' kids (already itching for trouble - these are the kids that are taking this gang culture to a new level in our cities, the gang warfare between rival towns and stuff, except they're armed with guns now. I noticed the media is reporting how the last few years guns are now common on the black market)... These are the media genereation, the spawn of the propoganda.

There would be riots and then the Police state will step into control with curfews and mass arrests.

Myself, I'd flee. Call me a coward but I'd rather not be shot or locked up.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

If such an event ever happened during a live broadcast of a Premiership match...especially a Saturday afternoon kickoff watched on Sky mega-screens in thousands of pubs around the country...the combination of outrage mixed with alcohol would make the Oldham riots look like a little scuffle. The old 'firms' would be Stella-fuelled hit-squads on the rampage

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by otherhalf

what is a premiership stadium ?i have no idea------is that where they have a soccer game or a political rally or baseball game? i personally am not interested in any of that stuff but would feel bad to see innocent people hurt due to murderous nut cases.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 04:43 PM
Ive always said they should do this for maximum impact, a world cup final, F1 race, mlb or nfl final or any sporting event broadcast around the world.

It would have a far far greater impact on people and lets hope it doesnt come off.

I guess its a good thing my team are only in the championship.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 05:45 PM
Birmingham City centre and surrounding area's would turn into an absolute battle ground
I remember bieng in school in Washwood Heath which is on the outskirts of Birmingham CBD and there bieng constant race / religon (muslim) related gang wars by people from school and from outside of school.... and it was some crazy stuff, so this happening would be chaos

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 02:43 AM
Yet another conspiracy. There's has been a few over the years and NONE have come to anything. I thought something was supposed to happen in Portland at 16:51 on Tuesday?

If you really want to have a devastating effect then it's so so simple. You load up small aircraft with nuclear waste, fly it across London (or any large city) and blow it up in mid air. Bombs on the ground is tricky these days due to security. A commercial airliner has the same problem. But your own light aircraft. So watch out for a "new" private firm contracted to handle nuclear waste........


posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Hmmmm The Sun and The News of The World, grew up reading those so now I guess I'm scum and retarded to boot and working class............ohhhh the shame.

Please........ any news rag is like another, take the Daily Mirror, I couldn't read it purely because I do not like the layout, conditioned by reading The Sun you see.

If I buy a paper nowadays it is just for the sports section, I reckon I have bought at least 10 papers this year, my news is garnered from the internet now so I guess that makes me a working class geek lol.

Right getting back to the subject in hand, I have to agree with those who have already said, if an attack was made on a sporting event like a football match (not soccer match, fancy calling football soccer that does my fruit in).

Anyhow I would agree that what would be called "race riots" would ensue, unfortunately I feel that England is not too far from exploding in this direction, given Al Qaeda and the inevitable link to Islam and Muslims, I do generally fear for the law abiding Muslims and non English people in the UK, the backlash could be something terrible.

On a lighter note, for footie fans in the UK, I reckon Villa Park could do with demolition.


posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Throbber

What my parents used to think?
How old do you think I am?
Don't you think I am capable of making my own mind up on anything?

Just can't understand why infinite had to mention "working class" in regards to this thread, it has absolutely no relevance whatsoever.

Still haven't had a reply on that?
But don't really want to make an issue of it, I was merely curious.

Back on thread, if Al-Qaeda were ever to carry out an act of terrorism like that in Britain them I honestly think there would violence on a scale never seen before.
I doubt there is any substance to it, but?

For all our sakes let's hope there isn't.

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