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Alien Tech 101

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posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 11:03 AM
I have read bits and pieces about 'Alien Technology' being used throughout the earths history. Whether it be from the formation of the Pyramids or from long-forgotten tribes with unthinkable knowledge, many claim its derived from Alien technology or intervention.

Knowledge of the stars and solar systems long before the telescope or any scientific study is one example used for Alien technology by some, with this I ask... why give people of primitive nature un-usable information that would no more benefit their lives than it has anybody else, as it has been shown throughout history these discoveries were in fact made with no alien aid by astronomers and scientists as the years progressed.

Another favorite of mine is the Great Pyramids and the like. It seems when something of extraordinary marvel is focused on, alien tech is always a likely component. Its never that the people of that era may have concentrated more on one aspect of their lives, in this case monuments or architecture.

There are many impoverished nations available today that may in fact benefit from some sort of unknown technology, but alas, these discoveries escape them.

If this is so.... then why does it no longer occur in the same manner as it supposedly did centuries ago? Some can say the government covers it up and takes the technology, thus hiding it from the world and keeping it for themselves. I say this would not be deemed likely, if the aliens are/were more advanced than humans( which appears to be the consensus of most UFO-logists), than how would they allow that to happen? They would have safeguards in place to prevent the information being used for other purposes than intended.

My conclusion would be, no... aliens have played no part in our current technology level.

If someone feels they have actual evidence or knowledge of alien technology, whether from years gone by or used in current day situations, pls post some examples to which you may enlighten me and help change my view.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 11:16 AM
You state that alien technology has not been used (and it is not) because -if- aliens are more advanced, then they would not allow govts to take the technology.

I have two situations for you:

1.) they ARE more advanced and simply don't care for us at all.

2.) they ARE more advanced, but they are not gods, cannot controll EVERY aspect of our life.

I think it's a mistake to think that, only because they are more advanced (in any way) that they should be more benevolent.

And what if their (aliens) intention is exactly to give tech only for govts, to work in secret, because they (aliens) don't want us to know they exist?

There are many possibilities here...

The problem about our science is that we DEMAND evidence for everything. If something cannot be proved, it's considered to be non-existent/fake/hoax/BS.

The absence of proof, is NOT proof of absency.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 11:33 AM
i tend to believe that we are an intelligent species. as a whole we may not be enlightened, but we have had some great minds throughout history. it'd a shame that some people believe that we're incapable of amazing things. i believe in ET's and i'm open to the possibility that we have been/are currently being visited and that we MAY have back-engineered some of their tech. but i also believe that a lot of our technology is home-grown.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by an0maly33
i tend to believe that we are an intelligent species. as a whole we may not be enlightened, but we have had some great minds throughout history. it'd a shame that some people believe that we're incapable of amazing things. i believe in ET's and i'm open to the possibility that we have been/are currently being visited and that we MAY have back-engineered some of their tech. but i also believe that a lot of our technology is home-grown.

Pretty smart to back engineer

Not a lot of people give humans, as a whole, serious consideration when they think of all the advancements we've achieved in even the past 100 yrs. That includes the intelligence/knowledge of reverse-engineering something, terrestrial or otherwise.
Most of what we have now, In my opinion, is all us, and not so much the ETs. Have some faith in humanity's brain power!

edited: Spelling & grammar

[edit on 15-10-2007 by Chiiru]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by Sator
You state that alien technology has not been used (and it is not) because -if- aliens are more advanced, then they would not allow govts to take the technology.

I have two situations for you:

1.) they ARE more advanced and simply don't care for us at all.

Then why give us any technology at all if this were the case?

2.) they ARE more advanced, but they are not gods, cannot controll EVERY aspect of our life.

The government aren't Gods either, but they seem to have an handle on it.

And what if their (aliens) intention is exactly to give tech only for govts, to work in secret, because they (aliens) don't want us to know they exist?

This would contradict your second 'situation' by trying to control aspects of our lives that prevent us from knowing they exist.

The point of my post is to have proof or even 'well thought out' scenarios of Alien technology being used or implemented in our history.

As I mentioned above, some believe the Pyramids were built by using alien technology, which I disagree with.

Because there is no 'clear cut' explantation for the construction of such feats, Alien intervention always seems to surface.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by Sator
The problem about our science is that we DEMAND evidence for everything. If something cannot be proved, it's considered to be non-existent/fake/hoax/BS.

That's not true at all. There can be THEORIES without it being considered BS. Much of our science is just that.

The actual issue here is credibility and effort put into these theories. If you where to compare 3 theories like:

1) Egyptians built pyramids using an ingenious way of making the blocks on site (ie like huge bricks).

2) Egyptions built pyramids using an elaborate system of counterweights to raise blocks straight up the sides of the pyramid.

3) Aliens built the pyramids.

Do we DEMAND evidence for 1 and 2? Not really, because it is a THEORY of what could have happened. There are what, like 20+ theories on how the Egyptians could have built the pyramids? But for 3... We discount it. Why? Because its not a valid theory in comparison to everything we know. Aliens didnt live in Egypt, Egyptians did. Aliens didnt built all the other monuments, Egyptians did. Aliens didnt grow food along the nile, Egyptians did. Etc and so on.

So I disagree with your bleak view of science. Its never about demanding evidence. Its about exploring theories until you come to the point where you can say that no other is possible.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by Grailkeeper

Check this out.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Grailkeeper

1-) Perhaps they didn't GIVE anything. Could be a trade, or we could have shoot down a UFO at some time in history.

2-) Sure as hell they don't control me (I'm not in the US, so it's a little easier)

"This would contradict your second 'situation' by trying to control aspects of our lives that prevent us from knowing they exist."

I see, maybe I should have put on 3 "situations".

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:40 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a clear progression in design of the pyramids in egypt over time (step pyramids to flat, size etc).
If aliens had built the pyramids or at least given the plans to build them surely they would all be built to the same standard???

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by merka

CREDIBILITY! Thats the b*ch about science.
The Giza pyramid weights about 6.5mi tons, with over 2mi very heavy bricks that were taken from a thousand miles away.

I forgot to mention "selective reasoning" so:

Why is it plausible to think that men built them despite the fact that:
-Egyptologs say they were built by up to 50.000 people (maybe 100.000) in less them 50 years. Do the math to figure out how many blocks per day would have to be put together (and carried for a thousand miles) by men only, and:
-No proof of using ropes.
-No evidence of using any kind of cranes.
-In fact, there is not a single "entry" in ancient egyptian history to support the "pyramids being built by men". There are no "scientific" proof, record, or story about men building the pyramids.

If the egyptians did know how to build those huge structures, wouldn't they register that in their history? Wouldn´t they wanted to tell future generation how smart they were to put that thing together?

There is only ONE picture where men seem to be pulling a big brick by using ropes, but that picture was made almost a thousand years after the pyramids were built.

Despite those fact, thinking that aliens helped/built them is consider to be a nut case.
I 'll tell you: Because men have a big ego. And to realize that we in fact are dumb and lied to every-single instant of our existence is a very hard thing to do.. and it hurts first.


posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by CEDRICtheFOETUS
If aliens had built the pyramids or at least given the plans to build them surely they would all be built to the same standard???

If we knew WHY the pyramids were built in the first place, we could realize why they are not exactly the same... But that knowledge (the Why behind it) is also lost.


EDIT: We don't even know WHO (which king) ordered them to be constructed.

[edit on 16-10-2007 by Sator]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Sator
-Egyptologs say they were built by up to 50.000 people (maybe 100.000) in less them 50 years. Do the math to figure out how many blocks per day would have to be put together (and carried for a thousand miles) by men only

Numbers mean little. We dont know how many built it nor how long it took. Its futile to speculate that it would be impossible for them to do it.

-No proof of using ropes.

Shall I assume this is a JOKE? Egyptians knew about ropes. Their boats where held together by ropes.

-No evidence of using any kind of cranes.

Probably true, but there is plenty of evidence of Egyptian engineering. Which require construction devices.

-In fact, there is not a single "entry" in ancient egyptian history to support the "pyramids being built by men". There are no "scientific" proof, record, or story about men building the pyramids.

Isnt there plenty of records both on the men who worked there, the guys who where the main engineers and pharaos attributed to pyramids???

A historian can fill me in there.

[edit on 16-10-2007 by merka]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 01:26 PM
The pyramids were a progression, there are ealier pyramids that showed the evolution of designing pyramids. Exactly how they were built, I doubt we will ever know. However, I doubt it took aliens to show ancient people how to but a block on top of another block. My 2 year old seems to have figured out how to do that, pretty sure the egyptians could have too.

Edit: Plus they had beer. Get tens of thousands of drunk guys together with some tools and nothing better to do... you would be amazed at what they could accomplish. No documentation of how they were built, because even they didn't remember. "Wow what a party, I was so wasted I don't remember what happened...hey...where did that pyramid come from?"


[edit on 16-10-2007 by b309302]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by b309302

That would be an amazing script for a comedy-epic film like Monty Python stuff... maybe.

Now, the day your son figure out how to raise a +2ton stone hundreds of meters high, them you got yourself a movie.


image how freaking efficient would a rope had to be to support such a heavy load. I'm not saying Egyptians didn't have ordinary rope, but that would do the job?

Did you know that all three great pyramids could once had a complete shiny quartz glass layer over the "steps", forming a "flat" all around it, which was taken off about 3 thousand years ago and stolen over the many centuries there after?
lot's of that material was found in and around africa and traced back to ancient Cairo.

"Isnt there plenty of records both on the men who worked there, the guys who where the main engineers and pharaos attributed to pyramids???
A historian can fill me in there. "

Actually there isn't.
All we have is assumptions. The fact is that all our known RECORDED history shows is a little bit ahead in time then when they were build.

Once everybody believed the pyramids were fancy tombs. Proved wrong.
No bodies were ever found inside one and no sarcophagus or anything to indicates someone dead was buried there.

Ok, so assuming the "official version" man built them alone, using some amazingly efficient method combining leverages, super-organic-ropes, and a ramp with kilometric proportions and thousands of muscular men. There SHOULD be some kind of evidence of all those amazing materials, side-constructions and literature.

There are more things that the scientists don't understand about them and there are few that they do understand.

Men WERE VERY involved with the building part, though probably they would not know why they were building (or believing in a lie).

There isn't TODAY a single crane capable of grabbing and raising the biggest stones of the pyramids. And think of how hard and expensive and difficult is to build a crane with TODAY's knowledge. Then transport your mind to more then 4 thousand years ago.

Just some thoughts before blind believing from few sources. No matter how "credible" your source may be.

EDIT: typos

[edit on 16-10-2007 by Sator]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 05:05 PM
You don't need cranes to move stones. All cranes really are is a lever. It is a force multiplier. For example a pulley system will allow one person to lift four times what he normally could. Well there was no shortage of slaves. Forget the crane and get four people to lift the object. Same effect. Take that and multiply it by tens of thousands. There is evidence that ramps were used. No stone in the pyramid was so heavy it is impossible to move. It might take a lot of force to move the stone, but it can be moved. Given the tens of thousands of slaves, there would be enough people available to exert enough force on even the heaviest stones to move them. I am sure even our strongest cranes are not capable of lifting the amount of weight that thousands of people working togethr could. No one said it was easy, or practical, but it could be done without alien technology.

[edit on 16-10-2007 by b309302]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 11:31 AM

The ancient Egyptians were probably the first civilization to develop special tools to make rope. Egyptian rope dates back to 4000 to 3500 B.C. and was generally made of water reed fibers. Other rope in antiquity was made from the fibers of date palms, flax, grass, papyrus, leather, or animal hair. The use of such ropes pulled by thousands of workers allowed the Egyptians to move the heavy stones required to build their monuments.

[edit on 17-10-2007 by b309302]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:29 PM

There isn't TODAY a single crane capable of grabbing and raising the biggest stones of the pyramids. And think of how hard and expensive and difficult is to build a crane with TODAY's knowledge. Then transport your mind to more then 4 thousand years ago.

You better get updated in construction technology friend. You're a couple of hundred years after our time. We have cranes capable of lifting ENTIRE BRIDGE SEGMENTS on SEVERAL THOUSAND TONNES. The Pyramids is a joke for modern technology.

You do bring up a point though. Its hard and expensive to build cranes. Good that the Pharaos didnt have to bother about it either being hard or expensive. They simply told people to do it.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 01:33 AM

Pretty smart to back engineer

Not a lot of people give humans, as a whole, serious consideration when they think of all the advancements we've achieved in even the past 100 yrs. That includes the intelligence/knowledge of reverse-engineering something, terrestrial or otherwise.
Most of what we have now, In my opinion, is all us, and not so much the ETs. Have some faith in humanity's brain power!

edited: Spelling & grammar

[edit on 15-10-2007 by Chiiru]

That is because they helped us , they gave us this techno . Im sorry but that is nothing we should claim .

Its like your friend doing a project for school and you go and copy it , and turn it in also without doing your own work except copying it.... Screwed up.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:59 AM
The day I see men lifting a +2ton rock hundreds of meters high, WITTHOUT "modern" technology, then I'll believe it's possible to build it like the official version states.

until then, I have all the rights to doubt this and make my own explanations.

The problem here is that everyone bow their heads to official explanations and feel powerful when defending it blindly, because of not having to THINK, only defend authority figures' ideas.

Most of people don't want to realize that they are ignorant, and in order to deny that ignorance the easiest way is to "copy&paste" someone's idea without even thinking it through. That process makes commom man think he knows as much as everyone (including the elite, which hide many of what it knows), and that's what give everyone this false sense of freedom.
I'm very sorry for that, but it's an awful truth.


[edit on 18-10-2007 by Sator]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Sator
The day I see men lifting a +2ton rock hundreds of meters high, WITTHOUT "modern" technology, then I'll believe it's possible to build it like the official version states.

Define "modern"?
There are plenty of massive constructions around that's well documented, from before the age of metal and steamwork.

For example, the largest bell of Notre Dame weighs in at 13 tonnes, though it only needed to be brought some 40m up or something (I dont know the height).

Going further back, what about Acropolis? A 150m tall hill that contained thousands of 2+ ton rocks.

Or everything the Romans did? Did Aliens build Rome perhaps?

No one is defending the official explanations blindy. But ignoring what mankind has created throughout the world is narrowminded. Yes, the Great Pyramid is fantastic. Its huge. The work and effort put into it is downright unbelievable. But, everything we've done since utterly dwarf this single construction. The Great Pyramid is only ONE out of SEVEN Wonders Of The World... Which doesnt include everything lost through the millenias.

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