posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 04:38 PM
Sometimes I love to watch the stupid Bush-Jews oil control game.
For the last decade there is no problem between people of Myanmar and Junta.
Recently Chinese Communists are building oil pipe in Myanmar, and suddenly people of Myanmar and monks are talking about democracy. Thousands of
pro-democracy came out of nowhere against Junta. Who is backing them up financially?
This is is really old American tricks, do American run out of new trick?
Dear Monks:
Go back to your monastery and do your own religious things! Don't start taking bribes from American and don't start creating wars that will kill
millions of you and put your country in hell for 200 years!
General Than Shwe is old, he will pass away soon, you knew it! Things will be better in your country when you have a new leader through peaceful
natural process. ( non American way ).
Meanwhile keep peace, go back and do your mumbo jumbo meditations and let Chinese complete their oil projects, your country will perish from it.
American is axis of evil in term of religion, and they are Christians which do no good to Buddhism!
[edit on 14-10-2007 by lanhud]