posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 03:44 PM
This is not a submission for the SSSC.
Rain pelted the window from the storm outside. She sat in her usual chair,watching the storm. From the street outside, she probably appeared as a
statue,always fixed in place. The rain running down the glass,would hide the fact that tears were also streaming down her face.She did not sob, or cry
out.Just stared at the street outside, transfixed by the water, the cars driving by,and the thoughts in her mind..
For years she had sat there,always waiting.Waiting for him to come home.Early or late.Sober or drunk.The longer the wait, the more she cried.The more
she knew what would happen when he came home.
Past now,but she still sat by the window,unable to shake the habit,or the memories.
She looked down at her arms for a moment. The bruises long gone to the sight of anyone else, yet she could still see every single one. Her reflection
in the window, showed every mark her face had seen over the years, and her eyes,every sleepless night lost to the torment of his rage.
She pulled the blanket up closer, feeling a chill as she remembers the night the police came to the door on a night such as this.
There had been an accident.Front end taken off the car he was driving.Before he could even finish, she was sobbing uncontrolably, and laughing
hysterically at the same time.The officer trying to calm her, believing she was distraught with grief, not knowing what she was really feeling.
Then comes the call from the hospital.Minor injuries . He would be coming home after all.
The darkness of the moonless night could not compare with the darkness in her mind.Memories are truly a hell of their own.Sometimes to relive the pain
over and over is worse than real life.
She drifts off to sleep,and dreams of birds, flying away.Flying so high over everything you can barely see them.Oh, to fly so be so free!
Startled awake by a door opening, it is him, going from his room to the washroom.Quickly but quietly, she creeps up to her own room, not wanting to
meet his gaze or answer to him why she is still up so late.
Hiding under the covers she openly sobs now.Wondering how she ever let things get this bad.And why was it all her fault? Why was everything she did
Nightmares gripped her again.
His voice screaming, her body cowering, her stomach swollen 9 months.
The knife in his hand.He grabs her hands and places them on the handle,blade towards him,holding her there so tightly she felt her bones would break
and pulling the knife closer to himself,while she pulled back,all the strength she had , forcing the handle deep into her own stomach.His attempt,
failed, he pushes her down on the floor.She lands hard, her water breaking and pain shooting through her instantly.
She is screaming back at him and crying.
He walks out the door, not even listening.
Opening her eyes, it is morning, and she realizes she is still in the nightmare. It is constant. No difference between asleep and awake.Outside the
rain continues, just like the tears inside.
Someday...just someday...perhaps there will be no reason for tears.