posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 12:46 PM
Hello here is my plan that I have been working on for a very long time also with the help of my ability to see into the future, AKA remote viewing, to
create world peace.
How do we unite the entire world and enjoy global peace? I believe that this is how it will be brought:
Soon there will be a big war coming. The entire world will be drawn into a miserable war. Then people will be tired of the war, and everyone will beg
for global peace.
The only solution to bring total peace to the world is to incorporate the entire world. Just like how we incorporate a business, we must first
incorporate a few of the most powerful and the wealthiest countries. For example: USA, China, Russia, and Japan. We use incorporation to bring these
superpowers together putting a stop to another major war.
How come incorporation will bring peace? Simple. First, if you are not familiar with how a corporation works, I must explain to you the mechanism of a
corporation and how it distribute money to its investors. Let's say that Brandy Bunch Lemonade is incorporated and was offered to the public, if
Brandy Bunch Lemonade Inc. seems promising to investors, investors will invest. The corporation's stock value goes up, and share holders earn money.
But in contrary, if the corporation does not profit and destroys its image, share holders will sell their shares resulting devaluation of the stock
value. Share holders lose money. After a great war, (WW III which is coming up very soon) we can suggest the few major superpowers to incorporate into
one. Will the leaders and dictators be willing to join the corporation? Yes! The key leaders and decision makers of each country will receive handsome
shares of this huge world corporation. Another word, we have to buy the decision makers out with the corporation shares. For example, the president of
United States, dictator of China, leader of Russia, and Prime Minister of Japan will each receive 3% of the total corporation shares. Judges,
senators, and other key decision makers, etc. will each receive up to .5% of the corporation's total shares. These key leaders and decision makers
will be more than willing to incorporate. They know that if this world's biggest corporation, the corporation made up of four or five of the world's
most powerful or wealthiest countries, once goes IPO (Initial Public Offering), lots of people will invest their money. The stock value of the
world's most dependable, most promising corporation will shoot straight up overnight. The dictator of China, the president of US, the leader of
Russia, and the prime minister of Japan, etc. will all become instant MULTI billionaires. Even the judges, senators, and secondary decision makers who
each received no more than .05% of the corporation shares will probably become billionaires overnight. When this world's biggest, most dependable
corporation goes on the market, lots of people from all over the world will buy its stocks. All these key leaders of the countries which has joined
the corporation will become instant billionaires without a doubt.
But wait a second.... Why would people invest in this world corporation? How does this world corporation earn its money in order to attract investors?
The answer is that if the newly formed world corporation does will, the central government of the corporation can receive more tax money. Part of the
tax money will be served as dividend (profit) and will be given to the share holders. And best of all, IT'S TAX FREE. Since buying the government
corporation's stock is considered as buying a government bond, investors don't have to pay any tax from what they earn. By the way, this investment
is tax deductible!