posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 03:02 AM
Just watched the video linked to above. It's one of the scariest videos I've ever seen. It really does an excellent job of dissecting just what Fox
news is doing to people and information and how dangerous it is.
One of the problems most people have today is that the Ministry of Propaganda that they have been warned about is coming at them in a disguise that
they don't recognize. It's fun, and entertaining, not bland and mindless. Similarly the new fascism is not mass rallies, flashy armbands and
demonizing the Jews. It's jobs, jobs, jobs, and patriotic wars to protect a lavish lifestyle. The bottom line, obscene profits on top of a destroyed
society and culture, is the same though.
The surest sign of media involvement in 911 is the complete lack of meaningful investigative reporting on the subject. Even outlets that do look into
it, stop short of the really difficult questions and the really difficult conclusions. Nobody wants an anthrax laced envelope from a US Army lab in
their inbox on Monday morning.