posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 02:13 AM
Ok companies involved were:
cellular-insurance-demolition-security-I know im missing some..
Alledged that canadians allowed the government to take off from there airspace with jet doubles.
The pentagon mystery plane
The manuevers of the jets, the shootdown.
Cell phones could not call out of airplanes in 2001 commercially, as it was not equiped and was a request of the airlines not to as danger of
interference to equipment.
How would have they logicly started this conspiracy?
Its obvious initially the NWO crowd saw a handy tool in i believe it was Carters adminsitrations lil' creation, al qaeda..
or they were directly preping for this final stage event and carter was a pawn. Using a series of ruthless senseless wars to drain america. Creating
justification for patriots on either side by playing both sides using power, influence and cash.
They may have previously recorded calls from the people on the planes and used pro software to put together the calls to sound natural. Then used
planted calls to make it more real.
The tv stations likely were getting feed of masked military jets. With overlays to hide the truth.
Then as speculated here thermate was used
(1st rule when t.p-ing your neighborhood, *do your house too*.)[sarcasm]
[The ritual theory slant.]
"My personal belief is that Giulianni is in bible prophecy and was a receiver for the energy the towers converted/transfered during its destruction,
theres a part that talks about one from the ashes, and rises to power to reign havoc and create false peace