posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:57 PM
OP: Some interesting ideas, but I find your premise and OP somewhat poorly written; no offense. i say this because you title your thread "Shadow
People are Nonsense," then you go on to later (in the first post) talk about how IF there are shadow people, they are likely to not be "this," but
rather, "that." Seems a bit flip-floppy.
I also find your "first nail in the coffin" to be fuzzy logic, though I know not everyone will agree with me. I say this because people have
believed for millenia (and many still do) that certain chemicals allow us to percieve *actual* realitites, or parts of reality, that we can not
achieve without assistance; or which otherwise would be very difficult to do without assistance. In fact, a diphenhydramine overdose will cause a
pharma reaction similar to certain tropane alkaloids -- like in datura, jimsonweed, etc, which have long been used by shaman as visionary tools.
I am not certain where you get that shadow people are supposed to be "unclassified humanoid type race that is fading back and forth between another
random dimension without light." I can not recall ever having read this. So you write quite dismissively about "shadow people" based on this one
definition, which is pretty far from a universally accepted definition. In other words, you're discussing "shadow people" in general, yet you are
debunking *one person's* ideas about what they are. (Or this is how it seems.)
I have often heard explanations far closer to ghosts and demons, than what you described. I think IF they exist, they would be more likely to be some
kind of negative energy signature that may or may not be intelligent, based solely on what I've read... and yes... sort of experienced.... (sober)
(well, some of the times. lol. The first, in fact, as a small child)